How to Create an Aikau Dashlet for Share

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How to Create an Aikau Dashlet for Share

Intermediate II
7 6 6,399


There have been a few questions on the discussions pages and on StackOverflow about how to create Share Dashlets using Aikau. This blog post aims to take you through the process required using a use case mentioned in this previous post.

Each dashlet in Share is represented by a WebScript so we need to create the necessary files required to define a new WebScript. There are a number of places you could create this files but ultimately they need to be accessible from the "alfresco/site-webscripts" location on the Java classpath that Share is configured to use (e.g. "share/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/site-webscripts" in the exploded WAR, or "alfresco/site-webscripts" in a JAR placed in the "share/WEB-INF/lib" directory).

PLEASE NOTE: You'll need at least version 1.0.52 of Aikau for the upload dashlet example to work and at least version 1.0.63 for the Document Library example to work

Create a Dashlet WebScript

There is lots of information available on how WebScripts work elsewhere in the official documentation on on the wiki pages so I won't dwell on that here. Instead lets just focus on the files that you need to create.

Descriptor (aikau-dashlet.get.desc.xml)
  <shortname>Aikau Dashlet</shortname>
  <description>A dashlet rendered with Aikau</description>

The main thing to note about this file is the value assigned to the "family" element. You can use either "dashlet", "user-dashlet" or "site-dashlet" to register a WebScript as being applicable for use as a dashlet. Here we're using just "dashlet" meaning that it can be used on either the user or site dashboards.

Template (aikau-dashlet.get.html.ftl)
<@markup id="widgets">

<@markup id="html">
  <div id="${args.htmlid?html}"></div>

You should notice here that this is slightly different to the usual template that we'd define for full Aikau pages in that we're adding a new DIV element to the page. This is because we want to provide a custom element for the the Aikau content to be rendered into. The "args.htmlid" token will automatically be provided from the Surf Component that the dashlet WebScript gets bound to.

Controller (aikau-dashlet.get.js)
model.jsonModel = {
   rootNodeId: args.htmlid,
   services: [],
   widgets: [
         name: "alfresco/dashlets/Dashlet",
         config: {
            title: "Upload Dashlet",
            bodyHeight: args.height || null,
            widgetsForToolbar: [],
            widgetsForBody: []

This is the basic model that all Aikau dashlets should start with. At the moment it is not providing any services or widgets - the important things to note are that the "rootNodeId" is also being set to the "args.htmlid" (as was referenced in the template) and that we're providing a "pubSubScope" (optional, but recommended) as well as passing through "bodyHeight" and "componentId" attributes to the root Dashlet widget.

Add The Dashlet to the Dashboard

Once your dashlet WebScript is deployed you can add it to your dashboard via the "Customize Dashboard" page in Share.

Screenshot of the customize dashboard page

Once you save your page you should see your empty Aikau dashlet on the page (I've removed all the other dashlets from the dashboard shown).

Screenshot of empty Aikau dashlet on the dashboard

Add Some Widgets

So far, not very usable. Let's add some widgets to our model to provide some useful content... for example you could reuse the example from this blog post to create a dashlet that provides a simple way to upload content:

model.jsonModel = {
   rootNodeId: args.htmlid,
   services: [
   widgets: [
         name: "alfresco/dashlets/Dashlet",
         config: {
            title: "Upload",
            bodyHeight: args.height || null,
            widgetsForToolbar: [],
            widgetsForBody: [
                  name: "alfresco/upload/UploadTarget"

...which would result in this:

Screenshot of upload dashlet

Alternatively you might want to follow the example from this blog post to have a Document Library dashlet...

<import resource="classpath:alfresco/site-webscripts/org/alfresco/aikau/{aikauVersion}/libs/doclib/doclib.lib.js">

var docLib = getDocLib({
  rootLabel: "Documents",
  useHash: false,
  rootNode: "alfresco://company/home",
  siteId: null,
  containerId: null
docLib.config.pubSubScope =;

model.jsonModel = {
   rootNodeId: args.htmlid,
   services: getDocumentLibraryServices(),
   widgets: [
         name: "alfresco/dashlets/Dashlet",
         config: {
            title: "Repository",
            bodyHeight: args.height || null,
            widgetsForToolbar: [],
            widgetsForBody: [docLib]

Which would result in the following:

Screenshot of the Document Library as a dashlet

These are only a couple of examples of the endless possibilities available to you - however, the core setup remains the same.

If you've liked this blog post or found it helpful then please "Like" or "Comment" or "Share" it using the the controls at the top of the page.


I tried to create upload dashlet but getting this error.

8081-exec-1] Could not find compressed file: js/aikau/

Intermediate II

I should have indicated what the minimum version of Aikau required so you're right to bring this up... if you look at the FileUploadService in the JSDoc you'll see that it is marked as "Since 1.0.52" meaning that it was first introduced in the 1.0.52 release. Your error message indicates that you're still on which is why the module can't be found. So to resolve this issue you'll want to upgrade to a later release of Aikau. You can include multiple versions of the Aikau JAR files in the share/WEB-INF/lib folder without any problems, so just grab a latest release from our Maven repository, restart Share and you should find that the problem is resolved. 

Intermediate II

I've updated the post to include the prerequisite versions for the examples!


Thank you Dave Draper . Got you point.

Active Member II
Hi, did you do it? 
Member II

Hi Dave

Can you please help me in this question nobody respond so far , hopefully you can answer this.

Adding Images 

Also I have to add java as a back-end webscript, it is working good in Alfrresco SDK, but I am getting error in Alfresco CE. I am not sure where should I add java code to Alfresco CE Installed location.

