Hyland participation in FOSDEM 2023

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Hyland participation in FOSDEM 2023

Alfresco Employee
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This year FOSDEM conference was celebrated in a hybrid way, with some sessions happening in person and some others happening online. This Free & Open Source Software meeting takes place in Brussels yearly and it gathers thousands of FOSS enthusiasts around the world, with a collaborative and open environment in the campus of the Université Libre de Bruxelles.

Hyland was participating in the Collaboration and Content Management devroom with a session on integrating Alfresco with Online Collaborative Editing platforms like Collabora Online and ONLYOFFICE

Recording for all the sessions delivered is available in Collaboration and Content Management devroom but let me highlight some of the most interesting topics below.

Takashi Kumagai presented a home made Federated Search tool named Fess Enteprise Search Server. They started this as an internal project in Toyota to gather information by using web-crawlers from internal systems like Confluence, Git, Salesforce and Slack. Currently they are thinking on improving the web crawler efficiency and adding more sources of information. The solution relies in Elasticsearch or OpenSearch to perform the indexing and searching operations.

Wieland Lindenthal provided a lessons learnt session on the integration of OpenProject with NextCloud. Topics like API design, CORS, plugin interfaces, verification scenarios, cross authentication and development environment are covered in an effective and amusing style.

Jonny Bradley was describing (as quick as possible) the TikiWiki approach to adopt Markdown as the only language to create wiki content. A great initiative to try finding a standard way of creating content in wiki platforms.

Lauryn Menard presented the Zulip Open Source Team chat application. This is a new and moder vision that may replace legacy solutions like Microsoft Teams or even Slack.

Andrea Szollossi was talking about the adoption process of Grav CMS and the benefits coming from it.

In addition, there were sessions to present the new features of well-known products like CollaboraOnline, NextCloud, ONLYOFFICE and CryptPad.


We had also time to meet with some colleagues from The Order of The Bee!We had also time to meet with some colleagues from The Order of The Bee!


And finally, special thanks to Clement Aubin for hosting the room (both in person and online) and helping everyone to enjoy the experience!

About the Author
Angel Borroy is Hyland Developer Evangelist. Over the last 15 years, he has been working as a software architect on Java, BPM, document management and electronic signatures. He has been working with Alfresco during the last years to customize several implementations in large organizations and to provide add-ons to the Community based on Record Management and Electronic Signature. He writes (sometimes) on his personal blog http://angelborroy.wordpress.com. He is (proud) member of the Order of the Bee.