Introducing the CSRFPolicy in Alfresco Share

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Introducing the CSRFPolicy in Alfresco Share

Active Member
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A few weeks back we added a CSRF filter to Share. It is now available on Alfresco Enterprise 4.1.4 and also to the Community on HEAD.

This blog post will be about how the new filter affects your current Alfresco Share installation or your custom Share extension module. In most cases the new filter will actually not affect your installation or custom code at all, however there might be a few edge cases where you need to change your code slightly. The post will also describe how you can configure the CSRF filter to work behind one or more proxies, how to run it with 3rd party plugins behaving badly, how it can be used to stop specific repository services from being accessible directly from the browser through Share's proxy and also how to turn off the filter.

To learn more about CSRF feel free to read OWASP's introduction article about CSRF:

Note! This post misspells the word 'referer' during the entire post to honour the spec that introduced the Referer header with the incorrect spelling :-)

How does the filter work?

The filter is implemented in a class named that reads a config section in share-security-config.xml named CSRFPolicy which will describe how and when the filter shall mitigate CSRF, summarized as:

  • Each logged in user will receive a secret CSRF token.

  • The token will be communicated to the browser using a cookie named Alfresco-CSRF-Token.

  • When a logged in user performs a POST, PUT or DELETE http request against Alfresco Share the token MUST be passed in the request using one of the following methods:

    • As a custom http request header named Alfresco-CSRF-Token

    • As a url parameter named Alfresco-CSRF-Token.

      Note! Most often the header will be required, but in certain circumstances a header cannot be used and only then the token may be passed using a url parameter. The default config only accepts the url parameter when the Content-Type header starts with multipart/.

  • Every time the logged in user goes to a new Share page the token will be renewed.

  • The filter will also check the Referer and Original http request headers matches the current domain (if present in the request).

To dig into the config, take a look at the latests revision A detailed description of all available options can be found at the bottom of this post.

Do you need to tweak your code?

If your custom code only is reading data using GET requests you will not have to do anything.

If your custom code only is using the standard Alfresco.util.Ajaxalfresco/core/CoreXhr or Alfresco.forms.Form javascript classes when creating/updating/deleting data you will also not have to do anything. Everything will be handled for you by:

  • Alfresco.util.Ajax & alfresco/core/CoreXhr - will automatically take the token from the cookie and add it as a request header for every request.

  • Alfresco.forms.Form - will automatically take the token from the cookie and add it as a url parameter to when submitting an multipart/form-data request.

    (When submitting a form as JSON the Alfresco.util.Ajax will be used internally)

Note! In the unlikely event that you do need to change your code make sure to:

  • Always read the token from the cookie just before the request is sent.

    Reason being that if you have multiple tabs opened in your browser one tab could, if accessing a new page, refresh the token in the session. If another tab then had saved its token in a variable it would suddenly be stale. But if all tabs always read the cookie just before submission they will always get the latest token even if the user changed pages in another tab. To read the token from the cookie simply use 

  • Always check if the Alfresco.util.CSRFPolicy object exists before using it

    That way your code will work in all versions of Alfresco Share.

Now let's take a look however at the scenarios when you might need to tweak your code or change the default configuration.

1. You are making an XMLHttpRequest with method POST, PUT or DELETE without using the Alfresco.util.Ajax or alfresco/core/CoreXhr classes

Perhaps you are using the native XmlHttpRequest object or a 3rd party library such as jQuery. If that is the case you will need to add code looking something like this to pass the token:

if (Alfresco.util.CSRFPolicy && Alfresco.util.CSRFPolicy.isFilterEnabled())


   xhrHeadersObject[Alfresco.util.CSRFPolicy.getHeader()] = Alfresco.util.CSRFPolicy.getToken();


Or if your using YAHOO.util.DataSource to load data with POST requests your code shall look like this:

if (Alfresco.util.CSRFPolicy && Alfresco.util.CSRFPolicy.isFilterEnabled())


   yuiDataSource.connMgr.initHeader(Alfresco.util.CSRFPolicy.getHeader(), Alfresco.util.CSRFPolicy.getToken(), false);


2. You are making a form upload with enctype multipart/form-data without using Alfresco.forms.Form

When uploading a file by submitting a form with enctype multipart/form-data it is not possible to set a header on the request, the reason is not because of the enctype specifically but due to the fact that its not possible to set a header on any form submission in the browser. Therefor you need to pass the token as a url parameter instead. If you are using the Alfresco.forms.Form class  this will be handled for you automatically but otherwise you have to add the token as a url parameter using code looking something like this:

if (Alfresco.util.CSRFPolicy && Alfresco.util.CSRFPolicy.isFilterEnabled())


   url += '?' + Alfresco.util.CSRFPolicy.getParameter() + '=' + encodeURIComponent(Alfresco.util.CSRFPolicy.getToken());


3. You are using a flash movie inside Share to send http requests with method POST

If you are using a flash movie to upload files (it uses the ActionScript class which will perform a multipart/form-data request) make sure to add the token as a url parameter in your Javascript before passing in the url to the flash movie. If your Flash movie is performing application/json or other text based POST requests (it uses the and/or ActionScript classes and methods) then make sure to pass in the token and the name of the header so it can be set from the flash movie.

Note! Flash cannot use ActionScript to directly get hold of the token since it may not read the browser cookies or read http response headers. It is possible however to use the flash.external.ExternalInterface ActionScript class to call a custom javascript method you have included on the page.

4. You are writing a non-browser client, i.e. a mobile app

Such app should be targeted against the repo in which there is no CSRF filter, meaning you don't have to do anything.

That's it! If your don't have code matching any of the described patterns you should not have to modify your code in any way. Please continue reading to be aware of other scenarios when you might be required to alter the default configuration.

Another system is sending POST requests to your Alfresco Share server

If there is a scenario in your system environment where servers from other domains actually shall be allowed to POST requests you will need to reconfigure the CSRFPolicy config in your share-config-custom.xml file to not check for a token or a Referer or Origin header. To do so simply:

  1. Copy the entire CSRFPolicy config in share-security-config.xml 

  2. Paste it into your share-config-custom.xml file and make sure it is replacing the old config section:

    <config evaluator='string-compare' condition='CSRFPolicy' replace='true'>

  3. Place the following snippet as the first child to the <filter> element:






   <action name='assertReferer'>

      <param name='always'>false</param>

      <param name='referer'>*</param>


   <action name='assertOrigin'>

      <param name='always'>false</param>

      <param name='origin'></param>



The CSRF filter will compare the incoming request with all the rules' request elements to find one that match, when it does it will invoke all the defined actions for that rule and then let the normal Share processing begin. In this case it means that if the external page was POST:ing to /page/trusted/call/1 or /page/trusted/call/2 this (and no other) rule will be used and its actions will run. The first action will assert that full page url in the Referer header (if present) equals* and that the protocol and domain in the Origin header (if present) equals .

I am running Alfresco Share behind one or more proxy server(s) and I get errors...

If you have placed Alfresco Share behind one or more proxy servers that rewrites all the urls before Alfresco Share is reached you might see errors in your log about the Referer or Origin headers not matching the current server. If that is the case see if its possible to also rewrite the Origin and Referer headers if they a) are present and b) match your proxy servers domain.

Note! When doing so make sure to not use a start-with-like-comparison without ending the proxy server's domain with a front slash ('/'), since obviously starts with but not .

If that is not possible you will have reconfigure the filter to accept requests from specific domains by simply:

  1. Copy the entire CSRFPolicy config in share-security-config.xml

  2. Paste it into your share-config-custom.xml file and make sure it is replacing the old config section:<config evaluator='string-compare' condition='CSRFPolicy' replace='true'>

  3. Modify every referer action to accept additional urls by changing:

    <action name='assertReferer'>

       <param name='always'>false</param>


    <action name='assertReferer'>

       <param name='always'>false</param>

       <param name='referer'>*|*</param>


  4. Modify every origin action to accept additional urls by changing:

    <action name='assertOrigin'>

       <param name='always'>false</param>


    <action name='assertOrigin'>

       <param name='always'>false</param>

      <param name='origin'>|</param>


The Referer will contain the entire url from which the request was submitted but the Origin will only include the protocol and domain (hence the .* wildcard at the end of the referer parameter).

In case you wondered, the current domain will continue to be accepted, meaning that you can login and use Share using its own 'internal' domain.


I just want to disable the filter!

There is no real reason why you should need to turn off the filter if it is configured correctly and you are running a standard Share installation. However if you have installed a 3rd party plugin that is not using the Alfresco provided classes for sending XMLHttpRequests or submitting forms you should contact the plugin developer and ask him to read this blog post so he/she can update the plugin. You will then have to make a decision to either uninstall your plugin OR lower the security level in the filter and not check for tokens anymore (at least until a new version of the plugin has been released). To stop checking for tokens, but continuing to check the Origin and Referer headers when available for logged in users, just add the following code snippet in your share-config-custom.xml file:

<config evaluator='string-compare' condition='CSRFPolicy' replace='true'>






               <attribute name='_alf_USER_ID'>.*</attribute>



         <action name='assertReferer'>

            <param name='always'>false</param>


         <action name='assertOrigin'>

            <param name='always'>false</param>





If you have custom code that fails for the reason mentioned in the previous section make sure to fix them instead of disabling the filter. It shouldn't take long.

If you still, for what ever reason, want to disable the filter just add the following code snippet in your share-config-custom.xml file:

<config evaluator='string-compare' condition='CSRFPolicy' replace='true'>




I have a repository webscript or service that I don't want to be accessible through Share's proxy...

This is a bonus feature of having a configurable CSRF filter, that it can be used to completely block certain services in the repository. Perhaps you have an API that only shall be accessible from a) other clients than Share OR b) from server side Java or Javascript code running on the Share server (rather than in the browser as a Java Applet or client side Javascript).

If that is the case you can add the urls to those services to the CSRF filter  and make sure it throws an error when they are accessed. To do this simply:

  1. Copy the entire CSRFPolicy config in share-security-config.xml

  2. Paste it into your share-config-custom.xml file and make sure it is replacing the old config section:

    <config evaluator='string-compare' condition='CSRFPolicy' replace='true'>

  3. Add the following code snippet as the first child to the <filter> element:





       <action name='throwError'>

          <param name='message'>It is not allowed to access this url from your browser</param>




A detailed description of the CSRFPolicy configuration

The next code snippet is will give you a detailed description of all available options in the CSRFPolicy configuration. It is probably only worth reading in case you're really interested or have run into trouble.

Cheers and thanks for reading this far!

<config evaluator='string-compare' condition='CSRFPolicy'>


    (Mandatory) Only 1 client element is allowed.

    Describes what names are used to communicate the token back and forth

    between the server and the client.




      (Mandatory) A client element must have exactly 1 cookie element.

      Name of the cookie that will hold the token, used by the client side to

      grab the value.




      (Mandatory) A client element must have exactly 1 header element.

      Name of the custom Http header to place the token in when sending a request




      (Mandatory) A client element must have exactly 1 parameter element.

      Name of the parameter to place the token in when sending a request





    (Mandatory) Only 1 filter element is allowed.

    The filter will look for 1 rule with a matching request and execute its

    actions (if any). An empty filter element means the CSRF filter is disabled,

    in other words will allow all requests to pass.




      (Optional) Zero or more rule elements are allowed.

      A rule contains a description of a request and a set of actions to execute.



      <!-- (Mandatory) A rule element must have exactly 1 request element -->



          (Optional) A request element may have exactly 1 method element.

          Holds a regular expression that will be matched against the request's





          (Optional) A request element may have exactly 1 path element.

          Holds a regular expression that will be matched against the request's

          'share path', i.e. /page/start-workflow or /proxy/alfresco/api/people




          (Optional) A request element may have any number of header elements.

          Holds a regular expression that will be matched by the header specified

          by the name attribute.


        <header name=''/>

        <!-- (Optional) A request element may have exactly 1 session element -->



            (Optional) A session may have multipe attribute elements.

            Holds a regular expression that will be matched by the session

            attribute specified by the name attribute. A closed attribute element

            indicates that the session attribute does not exist.

            I.e. <attribute name='Alfresco-CSRFToken'/> means that the token has

            not yet been created.


          <attribute name=''/>




        (Optional) A rule element may have multiple action elements.

        Below is a list of all available actions:


      <!-- Generate the token -->

      <action name='generateToken'>


          (Mandatory) An 'generateToken' action may have exactly 1 'session'


          Holds the name of the session attribute in which to place the token,

          shall match the client element's session element above.


        <param name='session'/>


          (Mandatory) A 'generateToken' action may have exactly 1 'cookie' param.

          Holds the name of the cookie in which to place the token, shall match

          the client element's cookie element above.


        <param name='cookie'/>


      <!-- Clear the token value -->

      <action name='clearToken'>


          (Mandatory) A 'clearToken' action may have exactly 1 'session' param.

          Holds the name of the session attribute which value shall be cleared,

          shall match the client element's session element above.


        <param name='session'/>


          (Mandatory) A 'clearToken' action may have exactly 1 'session' param.

          Holds the name of the cookie which value shall be cleared, shall match

          the client element's cookie element above.


        <param name='cookie'/>



        Assert the request's Referer header matches the current domain.

        If not an error will be thrown.


      <action name='assertReferer'>


          (Mandatory) An 'assertReferer' action may have exactly 1 'always' param.

          Decides when to compare the incoming requests Referer header to the

          current domain, if set to:

          - true: Always compare, even when no Referer header was provided in the


          - false: Only compare if a Referer header was provided in the request


        <param name='always'/>


          (Optional) An 'assertReferer' action may have 0 or 1 'referer' param.

          Holds a regular expression that will be matched against the incoming

          Referer header if the incoming Referer header does not match Share's domain.


        <param name='referer'/>



        Assert the requets's Origin header matches the current domain.

        If not an error will be thrown.


      <action name='assertOrigin'>


          (Mandatory) An 'assertOrigin' action may have exactly 1 'always' param.

          Decides when to compare the incoming requests Origin header to the

          current domain, if set to:

          - true: Always compare, even when no Origin header was provided in the


          - false: only compare if a Origin header was provided in the request


        <param name='always'/>


          (Optional) An 'assertOrigin' action may have 0 or 1 'origin' param.

          Holds a regular expression that will be matched against the incoming

          Origin header if the incoming Origin header does not match Share's



        <param name='origin'/>


      <!-- Will throw an error -->

      <action name='throwError'>


          (Optional) A 'throwError' action may have exactly 1 'message' param.

          Holds the error message that will be used when throwing the error.


        <param name='message'/>






Active Member
[...] Here is an official blog post on the new CSRFPolicy.  I first ran into trouble when I upgraded a client's test server to the [...]
Active Member
Hello Erik.

Many thanks for this post! We are working now on adapting Alvex to the changes made in Alfresco 4.1.4 and you really covered all CSRF related issues and possible solutions for them. Special thanks for this:

> That way your code will work in all versions of Alfresco Share.

It really matters. :-)

Alexey Vasyukov
Active Member
We found one more case with non-obvious workaround. So, I'd like to share it. Since Alfresco Share client side code is based on YUI, we use YUI a lot for our extensions. There are few cases when we need DataTable with JSON DataSource that receives data using POST request. Smth like:

this.widgets.dataSource = new YAHOO.util.DataSource( url, { connMethodPost: true, ... } );

In this case POST requests are fired by YUI framework. To add CSRF headers we need smth like:

this.widgets.dataSource.connMgr.initHeader(Alfresco.util.CSRFPolicy.getHeader(), Alfresco.util.CSRFPolicy.getToken(), false)

The header should be set just before this.widgets.dataSource.sendRequest( ... ) call and should be one time header (note isDefault parameter is 'false'). If we make this header default for any request (set isDefault to 'true'), headers for most of the requests become corrupted. The point is that this 'isDefault' parameter is passed to YUI singleton and affects all ajax requests from the page handled by YUI. So, CSRF header value is appended first by Share, and after that YUI appends the value second time (since Share uses YUI objects). It results in messed token value and 'javax.servlet.ServletException: Possible CSRF attack noted when comparing token in session and request header' exception.
Active Member
Cheers, great to hear Alexey!
Active Member
Yes that is indeed true, I have now updated the post to include your example as well. Cheers, Erik
Active Member

If you happen to be using Jetty as a Dev AppServer, there is a known issue whereby you get the CSRFFilter exception all the time. You can disable it as noted above or 'adjust' alfresco.js.
Active Member
Hi Mike,

Yes that is true, its caused by a Jetty encoding bug as the ticket describes. To 'make it work anyway' we have applied a fix that will reach HEAD soon.
Active Member
Please change from:




Simply overlooked, but someone will start using it as is, like I did and had to figure out what was going on with the Parser.

Active Member

I have troubles with proxy (nginx).  I cannot apply your solution, because I'm using 4.2d which has different share-security-config.xml

there are lines like:




So no param='always'... I don't know where are defined those parameters which are in curly braces
Active Member
Hi I couldn't disable CSRF filter by this instruction.

I could do that in 4.2.d but not in 4.2.e   is there something different in 4.2.e

Excellent job by the way =)
Active Member
Hi Ed, thanks for letting me know!
I have now changed the code.

Cheers, Erik
Active Member
Hi Martin,

If you find that your share-security-config.xml contains curly braces, i.e. {referer} as you mentioned, it means that you are running a newer version of Share where the config has changed slightly. The described config changes in here should still work though (apologies otherwise).

The good news is that you don't have to repeat yourself in the config and also you don't have to copy the entire config anymore but instead just override the  section like this:

<config evaluator='string-compare' condition='CSRFPolicy' replace='true'>






The <param='always'>true</param> element is not there anymore since the 'always' parameter now has a default value which is 'false', but if you want to define it that is of course no problem.

Cheers, Erik
Active Member
Hi Mustafa,

You shouldn't disable the filter ;-)

Sorry to hear that, hopefully you have now managed it (since I'm replying so late), but if not please describe your config and the name of the file you have placed it in.

Cheers, Erik
Active Member
Hello Erik,

although the CSRF filter has been in play for a while, I had - fortunately - not stumbled across any situation / issue that could not be solved using your post as quasi-documentation. That is until now...

You state:

Always read the token from the cookie just before the request is sent.

Reason being that if you have multiple tabs opened in your browser one tab could, if accessing a new page, refresh the token in the session. If another tab then had saved its token in a variable it would suddenly be stale. But if all tabs always read the cookie just before submission they will always get the latest token even if the user changed pages in another tab. To read the token from the cookie simply use Alfresco.util.CSRFPolicy.getToken().

Even when using Alfresco.util.AJAX - as is recommended-  the use of tabbed browsing does not seem to be fully secured against accidental false-positive 'CSRF attacks'. The new CSRF token (when GETtin a /page/.* resource) is put into the HTTP session right at the beginning of the request processing. Should any tab that you have opened cause an AJAX request between the time the token is updated and the time the client actually receives the response including the new token as a cookie, that AJAX request is very likely to fail despite using the correct token known to the client at the time of submission.

The current use case where I am experiencing this issue every once in a while has a client-side utility upload content obtained from a client-side HTTP service in mutiple small chunks via POST AJAX calls using Alfresco.util.Ajax. Navigating through other parts of the application in another tab while that upload is running, about 1 in 20 (or so) times the upload will fail with a 'potential CRSF attack' in the Share log.

I will look into reproducing this better within some form of a test scenario, but wanted to let you know of the conceptual problem with the time delay between token update in the server session and the client state independantly from a formal support ticket.

Regards, Axel
Active Member
Hi Axel, well spotted!

I must admit I hadn't thought about the use case of a 'client side job' running in of the tabs and thus increasing the chance of an old token being used. It would be great to get some code reproducing the issue just to be sure I'll solve the problem, even though I believe I get what the problem is.

My thinking right now is that the solution will be that the server will keep two tokens:
(1) the 'current valid token'
(2) the 'next current token'

When '/page/*' is requested 'the next current' token (2) will be sent to the client using the cookie, but it will not be 'activated' as the 'current valid token' (1) until it has been sent back to the server in an incoming request. Once the new token is sent in it will be activated and the old current token will be removed. As soon a new request to '/page/*' is done another 'next current token' will be sent to the client and so forth.... This I think will solve your problem, do you agree?

However to quickly fix your current issue, I would suggest changing the url that refreshes the token from '/page/*' to something that you use less often, some url you hit after login perhaps.


:: Erik
Active Member
Hello Erik,

the solution you outlined with delayed activation of the next token sounds good. My thoughts on this issue just went so far as that the token might be pushed into the session after processing instead of before. But I like the client-triggered update far better.

Regards, Axel
Active Member
Cool, will you be able to provide some test code that reproduces the issue?

PS. Feel free to file a jira for it so it will receive better attention.
Active Member
[…] Here is an official blog post on the new CSRFPolicy.  I first ran into trouble when I upgraded a client’s test server […]
Active Member
Hi Erik,

Thanks for your answer. It took quite a while since I faced this issue again, this time on productive system... and I must say THANKS, it really worked. I just copied and pasted your snippet to share-config-custom.xml and it worked. (ofc I replaced proxy server addresses with my own)

I'm also facing other issue, which is not 100% related to this, but maybe I'm not the only one: I put alfresco share behind reverse https proxy and browsers (tested in opera, chrome)  display exclamation mark: insecure connection;  part of chrome detailed message: ... however this page includes other resources which are not secure.

any idea what to do with it?


Active Member
Hi Martin, great to hear it worked!

Regarding the other problem I think you are right, I don't see it being related to the CSRF filter but rather the unsecure resources being included on the page. Did you ever find out the reason or a solution?

Cheers, Erik
Active Member
Hi Axel,

This issue has now been solved and arrived on HEAD at r61097. The final solution had to eventually include a small queue of tokens for each user. So when the token comes in it is verified against a list of the last 5 (configurable using the 'size' param) tokens instead of just 1 token. The creation of new tokens is now limited to only allow a new token to be created every 3000 thousand millisecond (configurable using the 'delay' param) to avoid a theoretic problem if 6 tabs are opened super quickly and an old POST request (issued before these new tabs were opened) isn't verified until after the 6th tab is opened.

The size of the queue can be set in the 'generateToken' action (but it isn't explicitly printed out since default values like the ones mentioned are used).

<action name='generateToken'>
   <param name='session'>{token}</param>
   <param name='cookie'>{token}</param>
   <param name='size'>5</param>
   <param name='delay'>3000</param>