Introducing the Forms Development Kit

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Introducing the Forms Development Kit

Senior Member
0 0 651
A lot has happened since my last post over a year ago!

Full support for metadata is now available in Share, forms are used in several key areas of Share including the datalists feature and the Web Editor product is centered around the forms capabilities.

With forms becoming more prevalent I thought it might be useful to have an easy way to find, run and learn from examples as well as providing utilities to help configure and customize your own forms.

The Forms Development Kit (FDK) was introduced in the 3.3 release, being fairly new it currently consists of a few example form configurations (using 3 custom types and a custom aspect), custom templates & controls and a 'Form Console' utility. One of the example forms is shown in the screenshot below.

Tabbed form example

The intention for the future is to provide working demonstrations of all the example configurations given in the Forms wiki pages, to host 'incubator' controls, provide a testing platform for our internal QA department, show how the forms engine can be customized to suit your needs and of course provide utilities to help you configure your own forms.

The FDK can be accessed from the 3.3 community release download page, full details on how to install and use it are given on the FDK wiki page.