Search Services 2.0.2 Release

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Search Services 2.0.2 Release

Alfresco Employee
1 7 5,604

Obtaining this release

If you are using Docker, you can get the new Image by typing:

docker pull alfresco/alfresco-search-services:2.0.2

Source code for the release can be found in

If you are Enterprise user, you can get distribution ZIP files:

And also, only for Enterprise customers, the source code for this version is available in:

Insight Engine and Insight Zeppelin artifacts can be downloaded from using Enterprise credentials.


Search 2.0.x will require a full re-index upon deployment when upgrading from Search 1.x.
This is necessary to accommodate the removal of the index store and improved storage of date fields.

If you were using Search 2.0.x, no changes are required on you SOLR indexes.


  • Updated default configuration to improve indexing performance, query performance and resource usage compared with versions 2.0.0 and 2.0.1 (SEARCH-2887)
  • Improved query performance compared with versions 2.0.0 and 2.0.1 (SEARCH-2548)
  • Updated documentation for considerations prior to a re-index or upgrade to Search Services 2.0 (SEARCH-2887)
  • Updated documentation for exact term search (SEARCH-2904)
  • Additional option for Search Services to authenticate with a shared secret header (SEARCH-2802)

Bugs Fixed

  • SEARCH-2548: Query performance degradation
  • SEARCH-2986: Search with mTLS enabled does not work with ACS 7.x
  • SEARCH-2985: Starting Search Services without creating cores (alfresco, archive) is not working
  • SEARCH-2995: Remove backup location in alfresco search service admin screen and SOLR REST API

Known Issues

  • SEARCH-2461: Exact term queries behave differently against the DB and Solr
  • SEARCH-2994: ISUNSET doesn’t return the correct results

Third Party Product Versions

  • Solr 6.6.5 (patched)
  • Jetty 9.3.29.v20201019
  • Zeppelin 0.8.2


  • Search Services 2.0.2 works with ACS 6.2
  • Insight Engine 2.0.2 works with ACS 6.2 and AGS 3.2.0
  • JVM 11 is required
About the Author
Angel Borroy is Hyland Developer Evangelist. Over the last 15 years, he has been working as a software architect on Java, BPM, document management and electronic signatures. He has been working with Alfresco during the last years to customize several implementations in large organizations and to provide add-ons to the Community based on Record Management and Electronic Signature. He writes (sometimes) on his personal blog He is (proud) member of the Order of the Bee.