ACS 7.3 install on windows(alfresco.log not writing and standard logging not working)

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ACS 7.3 install on windows(alfresco.log not writing and standard logging not working)

Hi guys, 

I have installed ACS 7.3 latest version on Windows. Everything is working fine. I can connect to Alfresco and share. However, there are no logs written in Alfresco.log.The file is empty. 
Also in acs.stdout.log, I can see customised logs logging in but not the standard ones. 

How do we heck whats wrong with the install I can see files in the webapp alfresco?




2 Replies

Re: ACS 7.3 install on windows(alfresco.log not writing and standard logging not working)

Hi DAvla, 


Thanks for the information,

To update the information, I cannot see anything written in alfresco.log only if I apply the alfresco-outlook amp . Otherwise, with all the standards and other amps, it is logging. I tried installing 2.9.1 and 2.9.2 versions but no luck on these both. 

So, I think there is nothing wrong with log4j config. It is present on the right path. The issue is that if i apply outlook amp in both repository and share then it divides the logs in acs. stdout and no logs in alfresco.log. 

Please advise on what I might be doing wrong with the installation/ 


many thanks 



Re: ACS 7.3 install on windows(alfresco.log not writing and standard logging not working)

Hi guys, 


Just to update you that this issue is resolved now. There is an extra slf4-1.7.36 jar available in webapps\alfresco which was causing this issue in 7.3.0. Removing this jar has solved the issue.


Thanks for the help.