Add an aspect on cm:person

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Add an aspect on cm:person

Dear community

I need to add some functionality that the customer can map the position of the user within the organisation (e.g. leader, employee) . An organisation within Alfresco is the same as a Alfresco Site.

First I thought about to create a new siteRole  with the corresponding title. But If I add one, I will receice the error that the authority does not exist on existing sites.

Therefore  I am asking is it possible to add an apsect on a cmSmiley Tongueerson object and how can I make a form to apply this information? I only found a really old tutorial from Jeff Potts.

Can somebody give more information to this case ?


5 Replies

Re: Add an aspect on cm:person

I was going to respond with a link to a really old tutorial I wrote, but I guess I won't now! Smiley Happy

Senior Member

Re: Add an aspect on cm:person

Many (all?) of Jeff Potts‌ tutorials are still relevant. I would say give that one and try and let us know if you get stuck somewhere! 

Active Member II

Re: Add an aspect on cm:person

You could, but there are no form extension points for person objects that I know of. You'd probably have to edit the edit person form itself.

If you use LDAP sync, there might be a field in the AD you can use? It's quite easy to map a custom AD field to a new or existing person object property. This would also mean the field is filled automatically with syncs.


Re: Add an aspect on cm:person

I have only found this tutorial from Jeff. Tip: Adding your own properties to a person object in Alfresco 3.4 | ECM Architect  Is this one still valid? Do somebody has experiance with that in Alfresco 5.X?

@Mark They only use Alfresco NTLM for login.

Thank you for your help in advance.



Advanced II

Re: Add an aspect on cm:person