Alf_audit_entry and alf_activity_feed limit

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Active Member II

Alf_audit_entry and alf_activity_feed limit


I want to know what is the max number of registers that the alf_audit_entry table and the alf_activity_feed table can have by default and if there is a way to change this limit.

Thanks in advance!

3 Replies

Re: Alf_audit_entry and alf_activity_feed limit

There is no limit - predefined or configurable. Both tables will grow as long as you trigger events for data to be collected. The alf_activitiy_feed table may have data removed after a certain amount of time has passed (entries older than X days) while the alf_audit_entry table will only have data removed when entries are cleared via API (no automatic removal).

Member II

Re: Alf_audit_entry and alf_activity_feed limit


If I need to save all record all the time in alf_activitiy_feed table. So How to config alf_activitiy_feed table, disable  something to have data removed after a certain amount of time has passed.



thanks in advance for your help


Re: Alf_audit_entry and alf_activity_feed limit

You could "disable" the cleaner by setting a CRON expression that effectively will never trigger the cleaner (activities.feed.cleaner.cronExpression). Or change the max allowed age of the feed (activities.feed.max.ageMins).