Hey! I am a beginner Alfresco programmer. I have a problem with Alfresco.FileUpload (). On one page this method works, but on the other it gives the error alfresco.fileupload is not a constructor. Tried connecting to components / upload / file-upload.js page but it was unsuccessful.
Hi, Cris!
To fix the error, I initialized the javascript directly on the pagen the page ->
<alfresco-config> <config> <forms> <dependencies> <js src="/components/upload/file-upload.js"/> </dependencies> </forms> </config> </alfresco-config>
This helped fix the error, but another appeared -> "No instance of uploader type 'Alfresco.DNDUpload' exists."
I as before initialized js on the page ->
<alfresco-config> <config> <forms> <dependencies> <js src="/components/upload/dnd-upload.js"/> <js src="/components/upload/file-upload.js"/> </dependencies> </forms> </config> </alfresco-config>
Didn't help this time.
Delving into error ->
The "ComponentManager" is initialized here. This is where the component we need is pushed. ->
Alfresco.util.ComponentManager = function() { var components = []; return ( { register: function CM_register(p_oComponent) { if (p_oComponent.id !== "null" && components.hasOwnProperty(p_oComponent.id)) { var purge = components[p_oComponent.id]; if (purge.name === p_oComponent.name) { if (typeof purge.destroy === "function") { purge.destroy(); } this.unregister(components[p_oComponent.id]); } } components.push(p_oComponent); components[p_oComponent.id] = p_oComponent; }, unregister: function CM_unregister(p_oComponent) { for (var i = 0; i < components.length; i++) // Do not optimize { if (components[i] == p_oComponent) { components.splice(i, 1); delete components[p_oComponent.id]; break; } } }, reregister: function CM_reregister(p_oComponent) { this.unregister(p_oComponent); this.register(p_oComponent); }, find: function CM_find(p_oParams) { var found = []; var bMatch, component; for (var i = 0, j = components.length; i < j; i++) { component = components[i]; bMatch = true; for (var key in p_oParams) { if (p_oParams[key] != component[key]) { bMatch = false; } } if (bMatch) { found.push(component); } } return found; }, findFirst: function CM_findFirst(p_sName) { var found = Alfresco.util.ComponentManager.find( { name: p_sName }); return (typeof found[0] == "object" ? found[0] : null); }, get: function CM_get(p_sId) { return (components[p_sId] || null); }, list: function CM_list() { return components; } });
... }();
But when loading this page, the component we need is not there ->
I draw your attention that this component is not on this page (Alfresco.DNDUpload) ->
And on this page everything is fine (there are no above errors) ->
P.S. sorry for my bad english.
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