AOS - Document read only if Word will be closed without saved changes

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Established Member

Re: AOS - Document read only if Word will be closed without saved changes

Here, for one moment I had success: I could open a document FROM Alfresco 6 doc library TO Word 2016 Mac, I could edit, and save. For that I changed security-options in "Sicherheit":Word2016 Mac Word Einstellungen

And changed from "Alle Makros mit Benachritigung deaktivieren" TO "Alle Makros aktivieren".

Word 2016 Alle Makros aktivieren

And then I could edit and save the document. I tried then anothother document, but there i had the writeprotectiing issue again. After I closed Word and re-opened the successful edited doc FROM Alfresco 6 to Word 2016, same problem: write-protected.  Then I changed several times different Marko-Options, no success. So please try if you can reproduce the trouble or have the solution. But iám sure we have a local word issue, not an alfresco-protocol issue. Greetz

Established Member

Re: AOS - Document read only if Word will be closed without saved changes

Is there anywhere the possibility for mac-users to say: Alfresco Repository is a save location? For windows you can do this: Word 2016 öffnet Dokumente schreibgeschützt - Microsoft Community 

Word opens documents from the internet as write protected, but you can say in Windows that Alfresco is a save location. It must have something to do with pre-defined user-rights on the local-machine.

Established Member

Re: AOS - Document read only if Word will be closed without saved changes

Also, in der office Community klagen verschiedenste Nutzer von Office365 und anderen Versionen über geschützte Ansichten. Es hat dann tatsächlich eher nichts mit Alfreso zu tun. Hier wäre, für ein anderes OS ein Workaround: Office 365 löschen und Neuinstallieren. Microsoft/Powerpoint ist schreibgeschützt trotz Administratorenstatus 

Established Member

Re: AOS - Document read only if Word will be closed without saved changes

Ok, try this:

Can you open and edit a Alfresco-document with webdav (Finder: Connectig to Server )? My Word 365 abort in the saving process.

Here a try: Word doc created in office 365, saved with save as via aos in Alfresco, looked then for right as you see below, then re-opening the doc from Webdav, editing, in the save process aborting.

Created in Word -> saved in Alfresco Site - doc bib -> than mad a screenshot in Finder via Webdav#####

Has anybody experiences with this folder: Wo Outlook 2016 für den Mac seine Daten speichert - Der Lifehacker 

There you can read about dir, where ms office saves temporarly informations. ~/library/group containers/

Established Member

Re: AOS - Document read only if Word will be closed without saved changes

No solutions,  hints more:

Editing files in Microsoft Office | Alfresco Documentation 

Mac user have to update to the last version in Word. I have the last version.

And: the used browser can be the problem. That´s interesting because in the moment I guess: Mac, Word or Alfresco make the write-protected problem and now: browser-issue too. I tried friefox 66.0.2. ; Chrome Version 73.0.3683.86; Safari Version 12.0 (14606.

This may help: 

Established Member

Re: AOS - Document read only if Word will be closed without saved changes

In the forum probably this is the answer:  

Established Member

Re: AOS - Document read only if Word will be closed without saved changes


Christoph Laib

Dieter Peer

What for setup you are using?

Version of

Alfresco Version:

Operating System:


Tested Browser:

Alfresco Version: 6

Operating System: 10.14

Word: 16.24 (19041401) Office 365 Abo

Tested Browser:

 - Firefox 66.03,

 - Chrome 73.0.3683.103 (Offizieller Build) (64-Bit)

 - Safari Version 12.0 (14606.

Active Member

Re: AOS - Document read only if Word will be closed without saved changes

Alfresco Version: Community - 6.0.7 (r2ba893dd-b113)

Operating System: VM Linux with ContOS 7 Core (Release 7.5.1804)

Word: 1903 (Build 11425.20204) Office 365 Business Abo

Tested Browser:

 - Firefox Development Edition 67.0b11 (64-bit

 - Firefox 66.0.3 (64-Bit)

 - Version 73.0.3683.103 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Established Member

Re: AOS - Document read only if Word will be closed without saved changes

Kannst Du angeben, was Du bislang probiert hast?

Operating System meint das System, auf dem Alfresco läuft oder?

Dein Word ist aber lokal installiert? Welches System ist das? Meine Vermutung ist, dass die Schreibschutzverriegelung mit dem Upgrade von MAC OS auf Mojave, auf dem die lokale Word-Installation läuft, aufgetreten ist.

Active Member

Re: AOS - Document read only if Word will be closed without saved changes

Hab vieles versucht. In letzter Zeit aber nichts mehr. Habe die Tests heute nochmals mit den aktuellen Versionen erneut versucht.

  • Alfresco läuft in einer Dockerumgebung auf Centos 7
  • Word ist lokal installiert. Excel-Dateien gehen überhaupt nicht auf (glaub aber, dass das ein ganz anderes Problem ist; Hier wird immer angezeigt, dass er nicht die aktuelle Version heruntergeladen hat)

Versuchte Punkte:

  • Öffnen/Bearbeiten der Dateien über die Alfresco WebApp (Standard Version; nicht die Angular-Version)
  • Öffnen/Bearbeiten der Dateien über CMIS Atom 1.0/1.1  aus einer externen Web-Applikation 
  • Öffnen/Bearbeiten der Dateien über WebDav
  • ...