Can I add recipient's name to the workflow notification email template?

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Member II

Can I add recipient's name to the workflow notification email template?

I'm using Alfresco 5.2 Community. I'm trying to edit the wf-email.html.ftl file found in Repository> Data Dictionary> Email Templates> Workflow Notification> wf-email.html.ftl. In the line


I want to add the recipient's name in the message, something like

<p>Hi John,</p>

Is this possible? If yes, how is it achieved?

4 Replies
Member II

Re: how to add recipient's name to workflow notification email template



Re: Can I add recipient's name to the workflow notification email template?

May be a hint, If you look at the template args here: 

You will see that username/email or any such info is not passed to the email template "wf-email.html.ftl": 

You may have to extend: WorkflowNotificationUtils class to pass the argument and update the wf-email.html.ftl template to consume the argument. 

Assigned authorities are availabel in this "assignedAuthorites" variable which comes as input to sendWorkflowAssignedNotificationEMail method.

There may be other ways too, so see if someone else can also provide any directions.

(ACSCE, AWS SAA, Azure Admin)

Re: Can I add recipient's name to the workflow notification email template?

@abhinavmishra14  How Can I extend ?