Can we run just the repository without Alfresco share or community?

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Can we run just the repository without Alfresco share or community?


Just downloaded your Alfresco community edition & played around with it a little bit (used Alfresco Share UI to upload so...

Im looking for following functionality, that can be implemented in my java server. (see list below).

1) User can upload files to repository _uploadFile(file..)

2) File versioning is required               _getlatestversion()

3) Need to know which user uploaded which version of the file _getwhoUploadedFile()

I was wondering, do I really need the full Alfresco community or can I simply download say repository package, users package, & file versioning package dependencies (assuming those packages exist)?

What should I download or setup to get this to work ?

1 Reply

Re: Can we run just the repository without Alfresco share or community?

Yes, you can only use the Alfresco Repsoitory (alfresco.war) as a backend to your applications. This is the use case of Content Services.

There are no separated packages for users, repository etc. the repository is one complete application. Alfresco is currently in the process of shifting some parts of their applications more to a micro-service oriented approach, but this is primarily to make the whole application simpler to scale, and not necessarily to make more components / packages optional.