Does the alfresco community edition will come with the server in it or we have install separately ?

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Does the alfresco community edition will come with the server in it or we have install separately ?

is there need of the external sever to be installed?

4 Replies

Re: Does the alfresco community edition will come with the server in it or we have install separately ?

It depends on how you install Alfresco. Using the Alfresco installer, an application server will be installed for you. If you install Alfresco manually, you usually install the application server yourself. With Alfresco 6.0, Alfresco will start providing official docker images, so you shouldn't need to care about the application server at all.

Active Member

Re: Does the alfresco community edition will come with the server in it or we have install separately ?

how to install Alfresco Community Edition on application sever(any web hosting server)


Re: Does the alfresco community edition will come with the server in it or we have install separately ?

See the documentation for the answer to such a basic question...


Re: Does the alfresco community edition will come with the server in it or we have install separately ?

Since I also answered in one of the many redundant / duplicate questions the original poster has created, I'll add this answer here as well (since I linked most of these redundant threads to this one).

Technically speaking, hosting is possible on any Java Servlet API 2.5 / 3.0 conformant application server. What you are asking has nothing to do with the "application server", but with a "hosting service". If a "hosting service" provides their technical infrastructure with an option to run Java servlet web applications, then chances are, you could also host Alfresco on it.

As far as I can see from the GoDaddy web site, they are only providing a simple LAMP-style hosting service, i.e. using a non-Java web server and combining that with tools / environments such as MySQL, PHP, python etc.