I'm running Alfresco Community v5.2.0. When an user select files and click on "Download as Zip", this creates bin file on disk that they are never deleted. Googling, I've found https://issues.alfresco.com/jira/browse/MNT-20212 that seems the same problem I have.
Browsing the nodes, I have 2 sys:downloads nodes: one is workspace://SpacesStore/downloads_container and the other is workspace://SpacesStore/c04a4e4d-a8b4-425b-9c62-dd7a7752aa06, where the uuid is depending on the alfresco installation.
If I "download as zip" using admin user, the file is created under workspace://SpacesStore/downloads_container; if I "download as zip" using a standard user, the file is created under workspace://SpacesStore/c04a4e4d-a8b4-425b-9c62-dd7a7752aa06
Looking at the permissions, my two sys:downloads nodes has the same permissions than the ones reported in the bug MNT-20212. Now, I'd like to avoid a fresh installation... but how can I modify the download cleaner in order to clean workspace://SpacesStore/c04a4e4d-a8b4-425b-9c62-dd7a7752aa06 too? I do not know and it's not written in the bug fix...
May be I can solve the problem changing the permission of workspace://SpacesStore/downloads_container but I don't know if it's easy or not... I think it isn't because otherwise the MNT-20212 would have reported it.
Waiting for support... thank you!
Consider you don't want to do a fresh install or upgrading,you can try to make a patch:
Following source code are changed to solve issue MNT-20212,you can download a newer version and extract those classes files from alfresco-repository-***.jar and replace yours.
Make sure you add following two parameters in your alfresco-global.properties
And make sure you backup your current alfresco-repository jar before replace it.
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