Good morning. I want to include a Windows mapped network to my Alfresco Repository.

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Member II

Good morning. I want to include a Windows mapped network to my Alfresco Repository.

Good morning. I want to include a Windows mapped network to my Alfresco Repository.

3 Replies
Established Member II

Re: Good morning. I want to include a Windows mapped network to my Alfresco Repository.


You want to integrate your existing windows file share into alfresco for both systems to run along at the same time? 
Usually one would migrate that content of that drive to alfresco and get rid of the drive.

Member II

Re: Good morning. I want to include a Windows mapped network to my Alfresco Repository.


Thanks for your reply.

Some of my users users access to this network shared drive. The idea is to

access from Alfresco.

Thanks again,


2017-06-30 9:29 GMT-05:00 mrks.js1 <>:

Alfresco Community


Re: Good morning. I want to include a Windows mapped network to my

Alfresco Repository.

reply from Markus Joos


in Alfresco Content Services (ECM) - View the full discussion


Member II

Re: Good morning. I want to include a Windows mapped network to my Alfresco Repository.

access from Alfresco.