We have Customers that have Retina Displays (4k)
When they connect to Alfresco using Mapped Network drive in Windows they get the Sharepoint web View. The font / Text Size however is very tiny and does not adapt to the display.
I have found a Ticket describing how to edit the Template but it is out of date. [MNT-14917] Ability to customize AOS web views for MS Office integration - Alfresco JIRA I am unable to find the .xml file in order to tell Alfresco to use a that template However. And the Template is quite complex for people new to Alfresco.
* Where can I obtain the .xml file example that tells Alfresco to use my Template from Filesystem rather than the one packaged inside the Jar.
** Where can I obtain the knowledge to write these .xml files from scratch. (What Tech are they based on)
* What would be the best way to support 4K displays? (Edits in main.css? or rather inline inside the Template)
** If the .css files. do you guys know a Guide how to edit them?
Thank you for any Answers and Greetings