How can we migrate the content of one environment to Other Environment, both are different Instances

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Member II

How can we migrate the content of one environment to Other Environment, both are different Instances

We have two different environments one is QA and other is Prod, We are doing all the content authoring in QA and would like to move same content to Prod. Both are in-depended environments.

Ex: Configured the two pages in QA and each of them have different versions and with out configuring them in Prod, I would like to migrate them to Prod with out overriding the content in Prod.Assuming In prod there are already 4 pages with different versions. 

2 Replies
Senior Member

Re: How can we migrate the content of one environment to Other Environment, both are different Instances

It is difficult to understand what you are looking for.

Can you describe your scenario in bit detail?




Member II

Re: How can we migrate the content of one environment to Other Environment, both are different Instances

Hi Kintu,

It is very simple, all the content required for the website and display it to end users will be configured in static page and each page comprises of cards (A static block of HTML) and these cards are added to a Static page (Template to add the cards). We used workflows to author the pages and cards using Activity. Each content is created/Configured per Country (USA,CAN,IND) 

Above mentioned details are configured in Instance A of Alfresco and would like to move same or one country (IND) to Instance B having country's (NLD,GBR) of Alfresco with out overriding the content in Instance B i.e. (NLD,GBR) 

It's basically migrating complete content or Incremental content from once instance of Alfresco to Another Instance of alfresco. In my original post refereed same as QA and Prod environments. 

Let me know, if this helps to make it clear.