I wolud like to extend / modify functionality of every component which uses YAHOO.widget.Treeview e.g. Alfresco.DocListTree, Alfresco.module.DoclibGlobalFolder. When it comes to Alfresco.DocListTree it was quite easy. E.g. in tree.js I found onNodeClicked method and then I created custom component Alfresco.CustomDocListTree:
YAHOO.extend(Alfresco.CustomDocListTree, Alfresco.DocListTree, {
onNodeClicked: function(args) {
Alfresco.CustomDocListTree.superclass.onNodeClicked.call(this, args);
// custom logic
Next I extended DocLib Tree WebScript using custom tree.get.js and tree.get.html.ftl. After that I can use Alfresco.CustomDocListTree instead of Alfresco.DocListTree component
The problem begun when I would like to extend Alfresco.module.DoclibGlobalFolder component and use them in whole Share application (e.g. in copy / move to action). I was trying to extend DocLib Actions Common WebScript, global-folder WebScript without any success.
I will be grateful for any help.