I need to create a date range query on cutom field of a smart folder, which syntax ?

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Member II

I need to create a date range query on cutom field of a smart folder, which syntax ?

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to query cutom field on a smart folder (alfresco 5.2). the field is called mymodelSmiley Tongueeriod of type text with a regex format YYYYMM (values can be 201912 or 202003...etc)

The aim is to show documents of last two months of the field mymodelSmiley Tongueeriod, last try without success :

"query" : "=mymodelSmiley Tongueeriode:[NOW/YEAR-2MONTHS + NOW/MONTH-2MONTHS TO NOW/YEAR + NOW/MONTH]"

this static query works :

"query" : "=mymodelSmiley Tongueeriode:[202001 TO 202003]"

Which is the correct syntax to make it dynamic inside the smart folder with current date (NOW)

