i need to set variable in alfresco-global.properties with java code

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Active Member

i need to set variable in alfresco-global.properties with java code

I need to set the variables of the file proprieties through the java code. for example set the db.name or any  other variable  .

can someone please help me?

3 Replies
Established Member

Re: i need to set variable in alfresco-global.properties with java code

Why do you want to set DB name using java code? Would you please elaborate usecase you want to achieve so that someone can help you with right solution? 

Active Member

Re: i need to set variable in alfresco-global.properties with java code

i want to change db name or  url database for a need in our project. the need is the following one to have to connect on several database and to store the data on several database. if we have the possibility to set the variable db.name in the file alfresco-global.properties through the java code. we can satisfy our needs. ?

Senior Member II

Re: i need to set variable in alfresco-global.properties with java code

The properties are read during startup - you would have to restart Alfresco on every change.

Also the db references the files in thecontentstore.

So you should/can not do that  - what about using multiple instances of alfresco?

Why do you want to store the data in multiple databases? Security, reporting,...?