I need to upload 480GB data including 50,000 folders in alfresco, Which is the better way to approach

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I need to upload 480GB data including 50,000 folders in alfresco, Which is the better way to approach

Hi Everyone,

I need to upload 480GB data including 50,000 folders and Files in alfresco, Which is the better way to approach.

Can anyone suggest me

2 Replies
Alfresco Employee

Re: I need to upload 480GB data including 50,000 folders in alfresco, Which is the better way to approach


Re: I need to upload 480GB data including 50,000 folders in alfresco, Which is the better way to approach

I agree that the Bulk Import Tool Jan is pointing you to is most likely the way to go.

With so many folders, you need to think carefully about the folder structure and how/if your users will be using Share to browse that content. If so, you may see problems for folders with more than 1000 direct children, depending on how you've configured the server.