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Space problem in AD Path

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ


I need to establish a LDAP authentification but when I want my AD groups, i don't recover them but for users it's OK.

I think my problem is the space in my line, see it :

ldap.synchronization.groupSearchBase=OU=Groupes d'accès,OU=RAPIDO,OU=CCAR,OU=RAPIDO_VDL, DC=rapido53,DC=com

How can I replace this space ?

Thank a lot


World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator

Hi Mathis:

- With the debug option, you can see all the details of the ldap sync in Alfresco. It is specially useful when getting problems with a given path or search base, for users and/or groups.

- With Apache Directory Studio you may check and debug the ldap queries for groups and users. So you can see the results that they should be obtained in group syncronization. If ldap query in Apache Directory Studio is not giving the group that you mention, it never will be synced in Alfresco. Browsing with Apache Directory Studio, you can check too the full config of user and group objects of your LDAP/AD.

Kind regards.


Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

Ok so know it work with a classic path but when i use path with ou=Groupes d'accès, it didn't work cause of the space

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator


Probably you need to put this ou in UTF8 in the configuration files. Something like ou=Groupes d'acc\u00e8s



P.S: Avoid to use these accented names in such basic services, this may be problematic not only for Alfresco. I would use ou=Groupes

I will try it ! Where do you find a table to translate "è" " ' " and " " in UTF8 like your example ?

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator

In JDK you can use native2ascii command line program. It is useful for i18n properties files too.



Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

How did I use debug option, where can i see all the details if my path is good or not

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator

With the debug option enabled, you may try to see how is shown the group search base. Probably is not correctly written in the log, so you don't find any group.



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