Integration of alfresco with jsf

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Integration of alfresco with jsf

How to create simple page using JSF . This page will be invoked after login?

2 Replies
Alfresco Employee

Re: Integration of alfresco with jsf

Hi Pawya G‌,

To reply strictly to your question you could:

1) Create your JSF page in the way you know and deploy it into a tomcat/jboss/... preferred servlet container or app server.

2) From an existing ADF application created as described here, change the login-demo.components.ts file in the onLogin($event) method, to point on the url of your page.

How course, no sessions, variables or environment's content will be shared with the JSF page. This is becasue an ADF application is a pure Angular 2 application and a JSF page runs in a different environment (and maybe on a different server).

I hope this will help you.


Re: Integration of alfresco with jsf

‌ I believe the information about ADF was unecessary in this context. This is the Alfresco ECM space and the question was about integrating Alfresco with JSF, not ADF with JSF. He might as well have intended to integrate JSF with Share, because Share is the public UI of the Alfresco product nowadays.

‌ As I tell almost all people asking short, one line question in this space in the last couple of weeks: Please provide more information / context with your question(s)! It is incredibly hard to guess what your requirements are and what would be the best advice, so people start interpreting and may give you any information, even if that does not fit your actual needs.