Is it possible to upload files bigger than 4GB?

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Is it possible to upload files bigger than 4GB?

Hello everybody, I am trying to upload files bigger than 4GB on my Alfresco Community 5.2 201707GA using CMIS APIs, but the upload always fails.

I read on this forums that there is a parameter to configure in file (ref. ), but I tried to set it to 8GB or disable the limit setting it to -1 and the upload keeps on failing with this error: 

org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisConnectionException: Cannot access http://X.X:X.X:8080/alfresco/cmisatom/e72292af-eb5f-435b-b25d-aefed08cdf29/children?id=workspace%3A%...: Error writing request body to server

Keeping on searching on the web, I found this issue: but I did not understand if it is fixed / how to fix it. As far as I understand it seems that it is fixed only on Alfresco Enterprise? 

Do you have any clue about the error that I am encountering or on the issue?

1 Reply

Re: Is it possible to upload files bigger than 4GB?

Alfresco can manage large files ,We have tried for cmis api,if a file is more than 3GB ,it always failed.

We have also tried Cmis append content stream, it not only create a new version ,for a large file ,it also dose not work.