Hi, I'm stuck with search the documents from list of folders.
Alfresco full text do not work with relations. So I'm looking for children in two stages, by two cascade query. First I get proper list of folders and when create the query to get their childrens.
I have got the list of folders from API. I need to get list of the children with some text in the names.
This query gives nothing and it's strange:
PARENT:'<node_folder1 id>'
PARENT '<node_folderN_id>'
AND cm:name:'my text'
because if the PATH parameter is used instead of PARENT it works fine:
PATH '/app:company_home/st:sites/cm:my_site/cm:documentLibrary/folder2/*'
PATH '/app:company_home/st:sites/cm:my_site/cm:documentLibrary/folderN/*'
AND cm:name:'my text'
But the query with PATH became too long for whole list.
How to get children/relations, with some text in property?