Search doesn't work with specific folder names

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Member II

Search doesn't work with specific folder names

Hello, currently I have several folders with long names, when I do a search with folder name the result is empty, even if folder exists.

As you can see these two folders exists:

  • 5c589c00c90b450b9bff5639f839611d15927634
  • 703aed64d85242da90c51960099e204787415356


If I search the folder "5c589c00c90b450b9bff5639f839611d15927634" I have a result:ksnip_20230614-163205.png


But when I search "703aed64d85242da90c51960099e204787415356" nothing is found:ksnip_20230614-163329.pngAs you can see in the first image, both folders exist, but only one is found by Alfresco's search.

This is a problem because the issue is also present when I use the API and I rely on search to manage files.

Why some folders are "invisible" to search ? Should I escape a character ?

Thanks in advance for your help.