solr configuration tips to slow down index

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solr configuration tips to slow down index

Hello, I need you to help me with some questions about solr in the community alfresco version 4.2.0.

1) I have millions of documents to reindex, what file should I edit to configure this reindex to be slower? It doesn't matter that it takes days to reindex everything.

2) How do I completely stop solr? I don't want to use any indexer like solr or lucene.

3 Replies
Alfresco Employee

Re: solr configuration tips to slow down index

(1) SOLR is indexing Alfresco using a cron expression that starts a loop of HTTP request to the Repository. By default, this process happens every 15 seconds:

You may change this expression to decrease indexing rate.

(2) If you don't want to use a Search Subsystem, just use the "noidex" search subsystem in "" file
Hyland Developer Evangelist

Re: solr configuration tips to slow down index

Thanks, but the link you sent doesn't work = (

I think I would like to change those "15" seconds. Do you know in which file you can configure that?

Alfresco Employee

Re: solr configuration tips to slow down index

You may change alfresco.cron property in file (located in SOLR side):

Hyland Developer Evangelist