Users created using Alfresco Admin tool giving loading error

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Users created using Alfresco Admin tool giving loading error

Good day @angelborroy,

I have installed Alfresco in Ubuntu using zip distribution files based on your YouTube video and everything was well installed, and I was also able to search for the "budget' document.

One thing I noticed which you might not have checked is that when you go to Admin tools, and you click on Users, it shows "Error loading items", which means the default users cannot be loaded and when you create a new user, it does not show the user in the Users category under Admin tools. 

Is there a way this can be resolved? Please find the image below.

Users cannot be seenUsers cannot be seen

1 Reply
Alfresco Employee

Re: Users created using Alfresco Admin tool giving loading error

Check errors in log files to find out the cause of this issue.

Hyland Developer Evangelist