Webscript with guest access requiring authentication

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Established Member

Re: Webscript with guest access requiring authentication

Hi Mikel,

I tried bypassing the apache by accessing the tomcat directly but to no avail. I was still prompted for authentication.

Any other that I can try ??

Established Member

Re: Webscript with guest access requiring authentication

It's hard to tell.... If you got same code, same Alfresco version, same auth configuration and nothing in between.

What about tomcat configuration? you could inpect both server.xml files to see if you got a valve or something causing your trouble.

Established Member

Re: Webscript with guest access requiring authentication

Hi Mikel,

Sorry for the late reply. 

I did some testing and it wasn't pretty clear as to why this is happening as on some instances that are behind the same apache server. I also checked the Valve in <TOMCAT_HOME>/conf/server.xml and didn't find any custom changes.

Finally I have to change the authentication in the webscript desc.xml file that fetches the list of children of a folder from 



<authentication user=guest>none</authentication>

and now it is working correctly.