Deployment Transport IO Filter

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Deployment Transport IO Filter

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Obsolete Pages{{Obsolete}}

The official documentation is at:



Please note that in spite of the title of this page, there is no DeploymentTransferIOFilter interface.

The concept of a 'content transformer' is symmetrical: that which is done can later be undone. Content which is compressed before being sent is uncompressed on the receiving end. Likewise, content which is encrypted before it leaves the authoring server can be decrypted on the deployment target. These two symmetrical components are represented by separate interfaces, the DeploymentTransportInputFilter (relevant to the deployment receiver) and the DeploymentTransportOutputFilter (relevant to the authoring server). If a single component implements both of these interfaces, it is capable of being used on both ends of the communications link.

There are two example implementations of these interfaces, and both implementations implement both interfaces. To use them, configure the same class with the same parameters on both the authoring server and the deployment receiver. Note, however, that these are just examples and are somewhat limited. They are usable as-is, but if extra functionality is required, code to implement these interfaces will need to be written.

Interface : org.alfresco.deployment.DeploymentTransportInputFilter
Interface : org.alfresco.deployment.DeploymentTransportOutputFilter
Implementation : org.alfresco.deployment.transformers.CompressionTransformer
Implementation : org.alfresco.deployment.transformers.SampleEncryptionTransformer

Configurable Property Reference


This implementation has no configurable properties. It applies the 'ZIP' deflate algorithm to outbound data, and applies the inflate algorithm to incoming data.


cipherName String The name of the cipher to use (must be recognized by the Java cryptography code).
password String Password to use to generate a key
iterationCount integer Unused. Default is '19'.

Valid values for cipherName are:

  • PBEWithMD5AndDES is the default since it is guaranteed to be available.
  • PBEWithMD5AndTripleDES is a more secure choice but requires changes to the java security policy files to make that algorithm available.

The same cipherName and password must be used on both ends of the communication channel.


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