Release 3.3 SP1

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Release 3.3 SP1

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Release Notes
3.x Releases
[Return to the Enterprise 3.3 FCS page.]

The following notes discuss the release information for Alfresco Enterprise Edition 3.3 SP1


Please back up your database and content store before attempting to upgrade from a previous release.

For instructions on how to install Alfresco Enterprise 3.3 SP1, refer to the Alfresco Administering a Production Environment guide, available via the Alfresco Network.

Known Issues

The following known issues are associated with this release:

Tightened Validation of Content Models

The fix to ALF-680 means that some custom content models that may have previously worked with earlier releases will now be rejected on start up of the Alfresco server with the following message

org.alfresco.service.cmr.dictionary.DictionaryException: 06010000 Cannot define class c as namespace n is not defined by model m 

It is now only possible to create model elements whose namespace is also defined by the containing model. The reason for this tightened validation is that previously it was possible to define duplicate model elements (in particular properties, associations) without knowing it.

In order to fix any failing content models you will need to

  1. Edit all constraint, type, aspect, child association, association and property definitions in the model XML file so that their name uses a namespace prefix mapped to a unique namespace defined by the model.
  2. Start up the Alfresco Server to ensure that the new model is now valid.
  3. To fix up the database:
    1. Create a new node of each of the fixed types with each of the fixed aspect types and fixed association types to ensure that all the new qname_ids now exist in the database.
    2. For changed node types and aspects
      1. Look up the old and new qname_ids
      2. Update the qname IDs in the alf_node and alf_node_aspects tables directly
    3. For changed child associations, associations and properties
      1. Look up the old qname_id of the child association, association or property
      2. Look up the node_id of the owning node type or aspects from the alf_node or alf_node_aspects tables by qname_id
      3. Update the qname_id of all the child associations, associations or properties with that old qname_id and node_id

Major Fixed Bugs

Below please find a list of major issues fixed in 3.3 SP1 Enterprise. For a full list of closed / fixed issues, please see JIRA  issue tracking system.

ALF-3610Impossible to create web content based on DevCenter.xsd web form on WebSphere/DB2 tier
ALF-3546patch.db-V3.2-AddFKIndexes is failing on MSSQL Server 2008 on upgrade to 3.3.1 E build 95
ALF-3260XSS attack is made in Wiki tab if First/Last user name contain xss
ALF-3189Oracle/DB2/SQLServer/PostgreSQL are missing indexes to support many FK constraints
ALF-3177TransferService - typo causes transfer target password to be taken from transfer target username (ie. admin / admin works) causing security hole
ALF-3151Freemarker causes NPE while deploying 3.3 enterprise onto WebSphere
ALF-3147Would like LDAP users to be able to add items to their profile such as a picture, skype details etc. (Explorer Client)
ALF-3120Script error at the' Create Category' form
ALF-3094Wrong precedence ticket based authentication/jsessionid cookie authentication
ALF-3086CMIS checkin of a non-versionable document should make it versionable
ALF-3059Script error at the 'Records Category View Details' page
ALF-3047It's impossible to destinate any action with data list item (IE6 specific)
ALF-3015Cannot find class org.alfresco.config.JBossEnabledWebApplicationContext' missing settings for JODConverter
ALF-2956XSS attack is made when a rule is being deleted
ALF-2947java.lang.NullPointerException when using NTLM auth and client which does not have cookie support
ALF-2943Update incorrect mimetypes (Excel and Powerpoint) ...
ALF-2938Bitrock installer: there is no virtual Tomcat and console mode scripts.
ALF-2924JBoss: Cannot create GoogleDocs documents
ALF-2915Select > None feature for Data Lists not working across multiple pages in IE
ALF-2901Weblogic: Context initialization failed (webscript's NPE)
ALF-2890Upgrade removes content if transaction retries are triggered
ALF-2886LDAP sync defaults display names incorrectly and can't cope with DNs containing escaped trailing whitespace.
ALF-2823Cannot create a folder rule in IE8
ALF-2818Failure to close index writer under certain conditons.
ALF-2794Actions on some dashlets not working
ALF-2774Atompub createDocument with versioningState=checkedout followed by checkin does not create major version
ALF-2723WCM - Http 500 creating content via webform
ALF-2627Share site activity feeds are not working for DB2 dialect
ALF-2616Serious Web Form layout performance issues on IE8
ALF-2453PDF files including Type0 Japanese fonts cannot be indexed, thus cannot be searched.
ALF-2450latin/utf-8 HTML file cannot be text-extracted.
ALF-2430System error happened during create web project if user is invited to Web Project space with Content Coordinator role
ALF-2327Can not have more than one Transfer Step in a disposal schedule
ALF-2290a HTTP GET request of a document redirects to the Home Location when using NTLM SSO
ALF-2257It's impossible to find and add group at Records Manage Permissions page
ALF-2186Rules not being fired on datalist items - because it's a zero byte file?
ALF-2110Would like LDAP users to be able to add items to their profile such as a picture, skype details etc.
ALF-2109Rule doesn't apply to the files in sub-folders when 'Run rule for this folder and its subfolders' action was performed
ALF-1996FixNameCrcValuesPatch takes too long to complete
ALF-1498RM web script puts Alfresco in endless loop
ALF-922Mysql does not support unique keys that contain nulls as one would expect ...... duplicates in the alf_access_control_entry table
ALF-897It is impossible to create content when default value selected in ContentHeadlineBackground field for intranet_rssi_landing_template web-form
ALF-791Error message appears when we're trying to create content based on profile.xsd and profile.xsl
ALF-715IMAP message body doesn't appears in IMAP folder when message subject is equal to the attachment name
ALF-680Previously valid content models now fail with CMISAbstractDictionaryService$DictionaryRegistry exception
ALF-657Runas problems in workflow
ALF-523The content is not created if fields marked as mandatory are populated with correct data
ALF-3179Transfer Service - apparent typo when transferring peer assocs (causes DataIntegrityViolationException)
ALF-3129LDAP sync should map to the cmSmiley Surprisedrganization property as well as the cmSmiley SurprisedrganizationId property.
ALF-3099CMIS Web Services query service not returning column aliases
ALF-3082There is no Edit Offline action at Details page in Share site
ALF-3078Share - User Dashboard Layout breaks when email address is too long - IE6
ALF-3068Script error after clicking 'Edit Review Date' at the 'Record Details' page
ALF-3050Incorrect layout of Assign Workflow form
ALF-3049Incorrect layout of Manage aspects page
ALF-3006Selected Items > Copy to... and Move to actions not working in Document Library
ALF-2994Script error occurs when clicking on 'Delete' icon for Data list
ALF-2993Scrip error after clicking on 'Edit' for any data list
ALF-2985Share document library throws error if document modifier or creator is deleted from Alfresco
ALF-2979Installing full setup enables Google Docs functionality by default
ALF-2858Zero KB sized bin files will be created in the contentstore when new sites are created
ALF-2856Space returns to browse view after completing Add Content dialog; need a way to return to custom view.
ALF-2851Drag n Drop issues in IE6 & IE7
ALF-2848Performance regression in org.alfresco.repo.node.db.hibernate.HibernateNodeDaoServiceImpl.getChildAssocs(Long, NodeDaoService$ChildAssocRefQueryCallback, boolean)
ALF-2837CMIS: ClassCastException in getProperties()
ALF-2829FixNameCrcValuesPatch very slow - the whole resultSet is read into memory at the beginning of the patch
ALF-2798WCM - Optional elements of schema validated as required
ALF-2792Difficulty adding dashlet in IE
ALF-2789DispatcherServlet not correctly retrieving Object ID from request parameters
ALF-2759Lucene search fails on large result sets
ALF-2754Alfresco IMAP and Zimbra Desktop Client.
ALF-2716imap mail metadata extraction fails when alfresco server locale is non English
ALF-2629Remove task form the task list eith respect to timer
ALF-2491Checking 'Inherit Parent Space Permissions' appears to have no effect on a space present before an upgrade from 2.1.7 to 3.1.2
ALF-2378alfresco share cannot be configured to use deep context (a context with a slash '/')
ALF-2366patch.updateDmPermissions takes too long to complete
ALF-2162Error processing WCM form: org.chiba.xml.xforms.exception.XFormsBindingException: property 'constraint' already present at model item
ALF-2125Accessing a deleted page in Share does not return an error page, instead the document-details page breaks
ALF-2078Content doesn't make checked in after applying 'Check-in' rule in Share
ALF-1912Problem with IMAP Sites visibility
ALF-1887too easy to break alfresco - one can remove the guest user and recreate it but then access to RSS is broken
ALF-1523Failed Kerberos SSO auth doesn't fail through, simply returns a blank page
ALF-1068File which exceeds user quota can be uploaded via FTP and CIFS, but it's size is 0 bytes.
ALF-1020Calendar does not display multiple days
ALF-1000Upgrade from 2.x to 3.x - VersionMigrator is too slow
ALF-865WCM / Cluster: unexpected error when concurrently submitting content
ALF-803Asset Service Improvements
ALF-736WebDAV Folder Renaming fails on Mac but works on Windows.
ALF-575when using Microsoft offline sync on CIFS, each synchronization deletes the old file and creates a new file
ALF-479External Authentication Subsystem does not perform user mapping for WebDAV requests