SharePoint API

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SharePoint API

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The official documentation is at:


The most common way of integrating Alfresco and SharePoint is using the SharePoint_Protocol through the VTI module included in Alfresco since Alfresco 3.

This is a page discusses alternative APIs for integrating with SharePoint.


There are a number of different APIs that can be used to connect to SharePoint server. A brief outline of these follows.

Windows SharePoint Services

  • Object model allowing access to all aspect of the SharePoint server.
  • Can be accessed from the .NET framework.

Windows SharePoint Services Web Service

  • Web service interface to the Windows SharePoint server.
  • There are a large number of web services covering areas such as, security, site management, etc.
  • There appears to be no content management functions within this API (for example check-in, check-out, content versioning).
  • Services to include these missing content management features can be easily added.
  • The web services are split into two groups, the core SharePoint services and those relating to management of the SharePoint Portal.
  • General opinion is that the SharePoint web services are difficult to use, presumably because they have been badly designed.


Remote Procedure Call Protocol / URL Protocol

  • The RPC protocol uses the HTTP POST request to send methods to Windows SharePoint services. An HTML response is returned.
  • URLs or CAML can be used to call methods. Use CAML to execute batch commands.
  • There are a number of FrontPage Server Extensions RPC methods.

Stssync Protocol

  • The styssync protocol enables an Events list or Contacts list from Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services site to be added to Microsoft Outlook 2003 or a third-party application that supports the protocol.

Client Side API

  • There are a number of Active X controls providing some access to the features of SharePoint.
  • These can be used in standard MS development environments (for example VB) or from within .NET.

Useful Definitions

  • CAML - Collaborative Application Mark-Up Language
  • PKMCDO - Microsoft Publishing and Knowledge Management Collaboration Data Objects

Engineering Notes