Alfresco API is not working as expected

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Alfresco API is not working as expected



As per the url

the API POST api/enterprise/historic-process-instances/query will display the records 

start is the page to start on. Pages are counted from 0-N. By default, the value is 0, which means 0 will be the first page.

This API is fetching  225 records only where the start willl 9.

I am testing with the API with  1933 records and i can able to navigate upto 225 records by mentioning the start as 9. when i set  start as 10, the data is not coming.

The request i am using:

"startedAfter": "2019-01-01",
"startedBefore": "2020-05-10",
"processDefinitionKey": "test",
"includeProcessVariables": true



"size": 0,
"total": 1933,
"start": 250,
"data": []

Is there a reason the data is not coming or any other additional parameters that i need to set.

Kindly suggest your thoughts on this please.



Arun K