Comments and attachments not visible

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Active Member

Comments and attachments not visible


adding an attachment or a comment to a process seems to work as it's possible to switch to form and back to the comment/attachment tab and see both elements + I can see the fil uploaded on the server.

However, none is visible on next steps, is that a bug or do I need to do something special ?

Also, I've read some about the attachment field, makes no sense that its value can't be displayed in next steps, how should I proceed to make a custom element that will allow to display an url to download the attachment in question ?

3 Replies
Alfresco Employee

Re: Comments and attachments not visible

Seems that the UI is only calling the task comments not the full process instance comments Activiti/task.js at 6.x · Activiti/Activiti · GitHub if the full comments should be shown then I guess UI should be designed to show what each comment belongs to (i.e. to which task). Same applies to attachments.

Active Member

Re: Comments and attachments not visible

if so, what sense does it make to have a feature to add comments/attachments ? to a given task is often assigned one single user, what is the purpose if he only can view the documents he's attached ?

Alfresco Employee

Re: Comments and attachments not visible

Users can still navigate to other tasks and check what was attached or what comments were made on each task. Having the comments only on a task makes the scope clear that is related to that same task. In some cases yeah it might be useful to see all the comments and attachments in one place.