First Boundary event fires near 10 Seconds after it's due date after that execution happens at exact time.

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First Boundary event fires near 10 Seconds after it's due date after that execution happens at exact time.

I am testing Activiti boundary event with repetition.

REPEAT_ = R20/2017-04-17T15:46:17/PT30S
DUEDATE_ = 2017-04-17 15:46:47.000


Executed at Mon Apr 17 15:46:57

after that all execution happen after 30 Sec

Executed at Mon Apr 17 15:47:26

Executed at Mon Apr 17 15:47:56

 Is it job executor precision issue if yes then how can i improve the precision ?

and also instead of R20 How can i configure forever repeat ?

1 Reply

Re: First Boundary event fires near 10 Seconds after it's due date after that execution happens at exact time.

Yes, it is a Job executor precision issue.

The default wait time for timer job execution is 10 seconds and it is set with this property in your configuration:

<property name="defaultTimerJobAcquireWaitTimeInMillis" value="1000" />

Just a note, in the Enterprise Edition, the timer wait time is set to 5 seconds.

You can update this by updating the (if using an older version) or the Activiti Engine configuration class if using annotation based configuration.
