How can I access the task description defined in the file?

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Active Member II

How can I access the task description defined in the file?

Hi all. As part of my custom Alfresco workflow I have a file which is deployed as a resource bundle with my workflows. Here is an example snippet from it:

vorwf_workflowmodel.type.vorwf_submitDocument.title=Submit Document for review
vorwf_workflowmodel.type.vorwf_submitDocument.description=Submit a prepared document for review

The task title in the first line works great - it is displayed at the top of the page when a user opens the "edit task" page. However, the task description does not seem to be displayed anywhere. Is there a way to get this to be displayed on the "edit task" page?

Many thanks


1 Reply
Alfresco Employee

Re: How can I access the task description defined in the file?

Presumably you're referring to the custom workflows feature of the Alfresco Content Repository? If so I think you would be best to post the question under the ECM forum ( ).