How to set a time cycle for specific dates each month

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Active Member

How to set a time cycle for specific dates each month

I want to set two separate activiti timer events to fire on the 20th, 23rd and 26th of each month at 5AM. One is to occur in GMT and the other in IST timezone. What would the activiti time cycles for these be?

5 Replies
Senior Member II

Re: How to set a time cycle for specific dates each month

Activiti supports ISO 8601 standard on boundary & start timer tasks. Check this page - ISO 8601 - Wikipedia to see if any of those notations can satisfy your needs.


Alfresco Employee

Re: How to set a time cycle for specific dates each month

Sounds like there's a chance you'll need six timers rather than two. Do let us know how you get on.

Active Member

Re: How to set a time cycle for specific dates each month

I had a look at how to do it using ISO8601 format on the wiki page but I couldnt see a way it can support my criteria of recurring on fixed days each month. I will post my findings of further research.

Alfresco Employee

Re: How to set a time cycle for specific dates each month

Actually you can use cron expressions too. See Activiti User Guide 

Senior Member II

Re: How to set a time cycle for specific dates each month

Cron job gives you more power..

If you like the ISO format, like Ryan said, 6 timers can also do the job in the following format.

R/${dynamically-calculate-next-20th-using expression}/P1M" (repeat this 6 times for all different start times)