I am using phoenix as dataSource for data models, while update ,statement which executes is like 'update table SET =? where ID= ?' , instead i want it to execute Upsert statement over phoenix to query Hbase. Please Help!!

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Active Member II

I am using phoenix as dataSource for data models, while update ,statement which executes is like 'update table SET =? where ID= ?' , instead i want it to execute Upsert statement over phoenix to query Hbase. Please Help!!

I am using phoenix as dataSource for data models in alfresco activiti, while update ,statement which executes is like 'update table SET =? where ID= ?' , instead i want it to execute Upsert statement over phoenix to query Hbase. Also HBase uses column family with column name, If I map my variable with the table columns having column family in data model in activiti,it throws BAD SQL Grammar exception. Please Help!!#

3 Replies

Re: I am using phoenix as dataSource for data models, while update ,statement which executes is like 'update table SET =? where ID= ?' , instead i want it to execute Upsert statement over phoenix to query Hbase. Please Help!!

Not sure I understand what you are trying to do.

Can you provide a scenario and unit test?



Active Member II

Re: I am using phoenix as dataSource for data models, while update ,statement which executes is like 'update table SET =? where ID= ?' , instead i want it to execute Upsert statement over phoenix to query Hbase. Please Help!!


This helped me.

what I wanted to do is to map my data model with my database, I defined the dataSource for my data model ,but It as internally creating queries internally and I wanted to execute my custom query since I had to execute an upsert statement. so what I did is defined custom model and implemented AlfrescoCustomDataModel Service.


Re: I am using phoenix as dataSource for data models, while update ,statement which executes is like 'update table SET =? where ID= ?' , instead i want it to execute Upsert statement over phoenix to query Hbase. Please Help!!

Glad to hear it, the developer series blog posts are very good and certainly worth following.

