Hello, I want know if is necessary to use kibana for do custom alfresco reports with elasticsearch or I can to avoid it.
Kibana doesn´t run in my installation:
C:\kibana-5.3.0-windows-x86\bin>kibana-plugin install file:///c:\x-pack-5.3.0.zi
Attempting to transfer from file:///c:\x-pack-5.3.0.zip
Transferring 126084986 bytes....................
Transfer complete
Retrieving metadata from plugin archive
Extracting plugin archive
Extraction complete
Optimizing and caching browser bundles...
Plugin installation was unsuccessful due to error "Optimizations failure.
ERROR in ../src/core_plugins/timelion/public/app.js
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'plugins/kibana/visualize/sav
ed_visualizations/saved_visualizations' in C:\kibana-5.3.0-windows-x86\src\core_
@ ../src/core_plugins/timelion/public/app.js 25:0-77
ERROR in ../src/core_plugins/timelion/public/app.js
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'plugins/kibana/discover/save
d_searches/saved_searches' in C:\kibana-5.3.0-windows-x86\src\core_plugins\timel
@ ../src/core_plugins/timelion/public/app.js 26:0-64
ERROR in ../src/core_plugins/timelion/public/services/saved_sheets.js
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'plugins/kibana/management/sa
ved_object_registry' in C:\kibana-5.3.0-windows-x86\src\core_plugins\timelion\pu
@ ../src/core_plugins/timelion/public/services/saved_sheets.js 6:0-58 20:2-
I tried offline install timelion manually but give me the same error.
David Hernández Tejada
I believe Kibana is only necessary for utilizing the Sense plugin, which is the system that allows you to send basic queries to eleasticsearch and see the responses in a convenient console. If you are using the Enterprise edition - are you following the instructions in the user guide section about Custom Reporting?
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