JavaScript and Java in activiti end user

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Established Member

JavaScript and Java in activiti end user

Hello everyone , 

Can anyone explain to me please  how to use JavaScript in activiti (activiti-app as an end user) , I got confused  between the client side use of  JS  and here in the engine.

for example , methods in forms written in JS , how can I use them to modify something in the DOM ?

Thank you

2 Replies
Established Member

Re: JavaScript and Java in activiti end user

The java script which you are using in script task (engine one) is server side java script in which you can use java script root objects to modify workflow variables , start workflow etc. You can not do DOM manipulation here.

The java script which you are using in forms , It is client side js (angular js). Here you can do DOM manipulation using angular JS.

Established Member II

Re: JavaScript and Java in activiti end user


for script task you can refer this link Script Task | and Activiti User Guide 

and how to use java class refer Tutorial From Devoxx: Activiti, BPMN 2.0 in Action - DZone Java