Problem with Keycloak in Activiti Cloud Example

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Active Member

Problem with Keycloak in Activiti Cloud Example

Hi all,

   I follow the Getting Start in, in which I run the example on Google Cloud GKE. Everything works fine per the guide. Then, I am trying to federate users from my Active Directory to the Keycloak (installed by the example). I follows the keycloak guide, but when I cannot sync users from AD into Keycloak. I do not know know how to access to Keycloak JBoss server, in order to examine its log for the issue.

 Had you had experience in this, I appreciate your advice!

1 Reply
Senior Member

Re: Problem with Keycloak in Activiti Cloud Example

Hi Doung,

The answer is in the Getting Started..

When you finish the HELM installation you have all the URLS like this:

_ _ _ _ _ _____ _ _
/\ | | (_) (_) | (_) / ____| | | |
/ \ ___| |_ ___ ___| |_ _ | | | | ___ _ _ __| |
/ /\ \ / __| __| \ \ / / | __| | | | | |/ _ \| | | |/ _` |
/ ____ \ (__| |_| |\ V /| | |_| | | |____| | (_) | |_| | (_| |
/_/ \_\___|\__|_| \_/ |_|\__|_| \_____|_|\___/ \__,_|\__,_|
Version: 7.0.0.GA
Thank you for installing activiti-cloud-full-example-1.1.1
Your release is named example.
To learn more about the release, try:
$ helm status example
$ helm get example
Get the application URLs:
Activiti Keycloak :
Activiti Gateway :
Activiti Modeler :
Activiti GraphiQL :
If you access to the keycloak URL:
You will see the link to the administration console and then you can use:
For the credentials.
Hope that helps