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Alfresco JLan SMB/CIFS Custom Authenticator error

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi everyone,

I'm creating an custom authenticator to my Alfresco JLan authenticate into one specific Database.

Here's my jlanConfig.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?><!– <!DOCTYPE jlanserver SYSTEM "jlanserver.dtd"> –><jlanserver>  <servers>    <SMB/>    <noFTP/>    <noNFS/>  </servers>  <SMB>    <host name="NUAGESERVER" domain="NUAGE">      <broadcast></broadcast>      <smbdialects>LanMan,NT</smbdialects>      <comment>Alfresco JLAN Server</comment>      <Win32NetBIOS/>      <Win32Announce interval="5"/>      <!– To run the server using a non-root account on linux, Mac OS X, Solaris –>        <netBIOSSMB sessionPort="1139" namePort="1137" datagramPort="1138" platforms="linux,macosx,solaris"/>      <tcpipSMB port="1445" platforms="linux,macosx,solaris"/>      <hostAnnounce interval="5"/>    </host>    <sessionDebug flags="Negotiate,Socket,Tree"/>    <netbiosDebug/>    <announceDebug/>         <authenticator>            <class></class>      <Debug/>        </authenticator>  </SMB>  <FTP>    <port>21</port>    <allowAnonymous/>    <debug flags="File,Search,Error,DataPort,Directory"/>  </FTP>  <NFS>    <enablePortMapper/>    <debug flags="File,FileIO"/>  </NFS>  <debug>    <output>      <class>org.alfresco.jlan.debug.ConsoleDebug</class>      <logFile>jlansrv.log</logFile>      <append/>    </output>  </debug>  <shares>    <diskshare name="JLAN" comment="Test share">      <driver>        <class>org.alfresco.jlan.smb.server.disk.JavaFileDiskDriver</class>        <LocalPath>.</LocalPath>      </driver>    </diskshare>  </shares>       <security>    <JCEProvider>cryptix.jce.provider.CryptixCrypto</JCEProvider>    <authenticator>      <class></class>      <mode>USER</mode>    </authenticator>    <users>      <user name="jlansrv">        <password>jlan</password>        <comment>System administrator</comment>        <administrator/>      </user>      <user name="normal">        <password>normal</password>      </user>    </users>  </security></jlanserver>‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

My NuageAuthenticator is a copy of CifsAuthenticator, excepts those methods:

public int authenticateUser(ClientInfo client, SrvSession sess, int alg) {    // Check if the user exists in the user list    UserAccount userAcc = null;    try {        userAcc = getNuageUserDetails(client.getUserName());    } catch (YeException e) {        e.printStackTrace();    }    if (userAcc != null) {        // Validate the password        boolean authSts = false;        if (client.getPassword() != null) {            // Validate using the Unicode password            authSts = validateNuagePassword(userAcc, client, sess.getAuthenticationContext(), alg);        } else if (client.hasANSIPassword()) {            // Validate using the ANSI password with the LanMan encryption            authSts = validateNuagePassword(userAcc, client, sess.getAuthenticationContext(), LANMAN);        }        // Return the authentication status        return authSts == true ? AUTH_ALLOW : AUTH_BADPASSWORD;    }    // Check if this is an SMB/CIFS null session logon.    //    // The null session will only be allowed to connect to the IPC$ named    // pipe share.    if (client.isNullSession() && sess instanceof SMBSrvSession)        return AUTH_ALLOW;    // Unknown user    return allowGuest() ? AUTH_GUEST : AUTH_DISALLOW;}private UserAccount getNuageUserDetails(String userName) throws YeException {    if (context == null) {        context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("/applicationContext-nuage.xml");    }    userRepository = context.getBean(UserRepository.class);    User u = userRepository.findByUserLogin(userName); // Search the user into my repository    if (u != null) {        UserAccount ua = new UserAccount();        ua.setMD4Password(u.getUserMd4Password().getBytes());        ua.setUserName(userName);        ua.setRealName(u.getUserFirstName() + " " + u.getUserLastName());        return ua;    }    return null;}‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

But when I try to login, I receive the following error when I'm calling the validatePassword method.

  [T2] Closing session due to exceptionjava.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException    at java.lang.System.arraycopy(Native Method)    at    at    at org.alfresco.jlan.server.auth.CifsAuthenticator.processSessionSetup(    at org.alfresco.jlan.smb.server.NTProtocolHandler.procSessionSetup(    at org.alfresco.jlan.smb.server.NTProtocolHandler.runProtocol(    at org.alfresco.jlan.smb.server.SMBSrvSession.processPacket(    at org.alfresco.jlan.smb.server.nio.NIOCIFSThreadRequest.runRequest(    at org.alfresco.jlan.server.thread.ThreadRequestPool$    at    at java.lang.System.arraycopy(Native Method)    at    at    at org.alfresco.jlan.server.auth.CifsAuthenticator.processSessionSetup(    at org.alfresco.jlan.smb.server.NTProtocolHandler.procSessionSetup(    at org.alfresco.jlan.smb.server.NTProtocolHandler.runProtocol(    at org.alfresco.jlan.smb.server.SMBSrvSession.processPacket(    at org.alfresco.jlan.smb.server.nio.NIOCIFSThreadRequest.runRequest(    at org.alfresco.jlan.server.thread.ThreadRequestPool$    at‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

Here's a method snip:

if (user.hasMD4Password() && alg != LANMAN) {            try {                // Generate the encrpyted password                if (alg == NTLM1) {                    // Get the MD4 hashed password                    byte[] p21 = new byte[21];                    System.arraycopy(user.getMD4Password(), 0, p21, 0, user.getMD4Password().length); **//THE ERROR OCCURS HERE!**                    // Generate an NTLMv1 encrypted password‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

The error occurs here:

System.arraycopy(user.getMD4Password(), 0, p21, 0, user.getMD4Password().length); ‍‍‍

But the question is very simple: Why this error occurs? Some mismatch between the MD4 hashes? Is that possible?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
it would appear from the error message that the destination array is too small.   Why are you hard coding a length of 21?   Rather than using the correct length?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi mrogers,

That code is from CifsAuthenticator, from Alfresco. That's the same code.It's not my modification. Here's the original from Alfresco:

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
The 21 comes from the specs for NTLMV1. So although I don't like that code and clearly there is a need for more javadoc it may not be a serious bug.  

Nevertheless it looks like there is something different going on with your getMD4Password() method that is returning too many bytes.  Perhaps its a padding issue?    The MD4 hash should probably be 16 bytes.  Which then gets padded out to 21.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi mrogers,

Thanks for the reply. That's my "admin" string md4 hash, generated by my Spring md4 encryptor:

String md4Password = md4PasswordEncoder.encodePassword("admin", null);‍‍‍

It results in

Is that the correct way to generate my MD4 hash to use with NTLM?

If you want, here you can see the md4PasswordEncoder source:

Thanks! Smiley Happy

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
That is a 32 byte hash.  Its too big for NTLMV1

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi mrogers,

Again, thanks for your reply. But I think that I've discovered a bug into Alfresco JLan 5.0.

To test that problem, I've implemented an UserInterface class as you  can see below:

public UserAccount getUserAccount(String userName) {      if (userName.equals("admin")) {         cryptoutils cu = new cryptoutils();         byte[] md4 = null;         try {            md4 = cu.generateEncryptedPassword("admin", null, PasswordEncryptor.MD4, null, null);         } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();         }         UserAccount ua = new UserAccount();         ua.setUserName("admin");         ua.setMD4Password(md4);         ua.setPassword("admin");         return ua;      }      return null;   }‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

Ok, that was ok, now that error was resolved, but, other problem is occurring.

If i try to login with my Linux workstation, with this shell code:

smbclient -L localhost -U admin -W NUAGE‍

The authentication stops on CifsAuthenticator.validateNuagePassword, on that line:

if (encPwd != null && encryptedPwd != null && encPwd.length == STANDARD_PASSWORD_LEN && encryptedPwd.length == STANDARD_PASSWORD_LEN) {‍

Because the encryptedPwd variable length is bigger than STANDARD_PASSWORD_LEN (24).

But, if I try to login with one Windows Desktop, everything goes ok, and encryptedPwd stay with 24 positions.
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