Dudas sobre el addon List Manager

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Dudas sobre el addon List Manager

He indagado y me encontre el addon list Manager para administrar las lista dentro de mi alfresco.

Me lo he descargado pero no entiendo como instalarlo a pesar que me he leido el archivo leame.

Me pueden ayudar que archivos modificar o los pasos bien descritos para la instalacioón??

Copio y pego lo que dice el archivo leeme que trae el addon


# [Alfresco](http://www.alfresco.com) Listmanager
This addon provides a way to manage list of values to be used in alfresco metadata forms. The model provided constraints are not
always suitable to use. Sometimes you just want to pick a value from a list without constraining anything. In addition there is no
need to restart Alfresco after editing the lists (which is the case when using contraints).

## Authors
[Marcus Cedergren](https://github.com/masse),

[Erik Billerby](https://github.com/billerby)

### Contributors
[Bertrand Forest](https://github.com/bforest)

## Getting started

### Dependencies

#### Alfresco

This extension was created with the [Alfresco Maven SDK](https://arti
facts.alfresco.com/nexus/content/repositories/alfresco-docs/alfresco-lifecycle-aggregator/latest/ind...) and compiles against Alfresco Community 4.2.c. It has also been tested with:

* Alfresco Community 4.0.e and higher
* Alfresco Enterprise 4.0.2 and higher

### Building

The project uses [Maven](http://maven.apache.org) for building.

Clone the source, enter the directory and execute

`mvn clean install`

to build and install the artifact in your local Maven repository.

The output is one amp-file to be installed into the repository part of your Alfresco installation and one jar-file that is needed by Alfresco Share.

Declare those as dependencies in your artifacts (if you are using the Maven SDK),
For Share:
For the Repository:
Don't forget to add it as an overlay in the maven-war-plugin configuration as well:
or, otherwise drop the jar-file in to ```tomcat/shared/classes``` of your installation and install the amp with the mmt-tool.

### Usage

When correctly installed a new GUI can be found in the Admin console part of Alfresco Share Application Settings -> List Manager.

![Screenshot](/images/screenshot_listmanager.jpg "Screenshot")

To make use of the values from one list, use the customselectone.ftl form control supplied like this:

<field id="ac:changeRequestStatus">
      <control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/customselectone.ftl">
         <control-param name="listboxname">changeRequest_status</control-param>
Where "changeRequest_status" is the name of a list containing all change request statuses that our listbox should contain.

![Screenshot](/images/screenshot_crlist.jpg "Screenshot")

### Issue Management
If you want to report a bug please create a new [issue](https://github.com/Redpill-Linpro/alfresco-listmanager/issues)

### Contributions
Contributions are welcome. Clone the project, implement the change/feature and submit to github [pull request](https://github.com/Redpill-Linpro/alfresco-listmanager/pulls).


1 Reply
Alfresco Employee

Re: Dudas sobre el addon List Manager

Usa apply_amps o la mmt-tool para desplegar el AMP (
) en el repositorio y copia el JAR (
) en
Hyland Developer Evangelist