Cannot login to Alfresco using "admin" username and password when running Docker image on VM

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Member II

Cannot login to Alfresco using "admin" username and password when running Docker image on VM


I'm following this post: GitHub - aborroy/alfresco-installer: Docker Image to use the Alfresco Docker Installer project
To run a docker image of Alfresco Content Services on a VM. 

After installing docker and following the required steps, I am not able to login using the default credentials for username and passowrd (admin). 

As mentioned in this post: Solved: Re: Alfresco trial password - Alfresco Hub I had changed my VM to have 32GB RAM (since 16GB min is requried). 

Was able to run Alfresco locally earlier. But since a few days, it doesn't seem to be working. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!

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Senior Member II

Re: Cannot login to Alfresco using "admin" username and password when running Docker image

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