How To Contribute To The AI Innovation Space

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How To Contribute To The AI Innovation Space

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We want to see this space grow with contributions from the community, here are a few ways to get involved:

Share a Solution

Do you offer a solution using a relevant technology (AI, Blockchain, voice, AR etc.) that you want more in Alfresco and the wider community to know about?

Submit it here and we'll showcase it in the space

Blog Post

Share what you are working on with the community for ideas, feedback and to find people to collaborate on.

Write a quick post outlining the project and what you are looking for and include as much detail as you can: github links, screenshots, videos etc.

Here's a great example.

Ideas Bucket

This is the place to share ideas and use cases from customers, create an 'Idea' with the 'Innovation' tag.

  • If you have a cool idea but no time to work on it, share it here for others to pick up
  • Also come here if you're looking for an interesting use case case to experiment with

See ideas

Ask a Question

Have a specific question around the use of emerging tech with Alfresco?

Ask a question in the Platform space using the 'Innovation' tag.

See questions

About the Author
Product Manager for search and analytics at Alfresco. Talk to me about Solr, search within our apps, search APIs and reporting and analytics needs. I'd love to know more about what you're doing with Alfresco in this area, if you have any issues with it that we can help with and anything else you'd like us to do.