Alfresco Content Services - Blog - Page 6

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Alfresco Content Services - Blog - Page 6


A folder with many linked nodes takes a long time to display in Share.

This is because the metadata of all the linked nodes is retrieved in the JSON response.


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4 0 1,887
Alfresco Employee

Using AWS provided Elasticsearch service is costly. Hosting Elasticsearch on an EC2 instance can be cost efficient but requires multiple configurations. This pages details out the setup and configuration steps used for creating a multi-node Elasticsearch on EC2 instance.


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0 0 2,726
Community Manager
Community Manager

As Hyland utilizes Docker technologies to distribute and run Alfresco, and a lot of other software, I thought that speaking about legal compliance could be interesting. Indeed, end users, paying customers but also open source organisations, are more and more worry about it. 

Let say you integrate Alfresco into other solutions for your customers, and then create a Docker image with custom work and other software, then share it with your customers so they can deploy and run using Docker and Kubernetes. Are you sure that your image is actually compliant?  

In this article I will provide some basics and best practices that should avoid you to fall in the common traps. 


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2 0 6,783
Alfresco Employee

Acompáñenos este 16, 22 y 28 de Marzo en nuestra Trilogía Alfresco: tres webinars que lo llevarán a descubrir por qué Alfresco de Hyland es la plataforma más revolucionaria del momento y el mejor camino a seguir.


Join us this March 16, 22 and 28 for our Alfresco Trilogy, three webinars that will take you to discover why Hyland's Alfresco is the most revolutionary platform of the moment and the best way forward.




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Alfresco Content Services Blog