Welcome to our new Community Members!

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Welcome to our new Community Members!

Alfresco Employee
2 0 1,001

Hi Everyone,

Since Alfresco joined Hyland family in 2020, you may have noticed that some changes are being introduced gradually in our Community. However, Open Source Commitment will be still a core motivation for us, as we strongly believe this is the most effective method for developing secure and reliable software.

Willing to improve our involvement in Open Source activities, new Community dedicated roles has been designed:

Amanda role is to help you to get the best possible experience in your interactions with Alfresco and its wider community. Think of her as something of a bridge between Hyland and the Community.

Angel is providing base material for developers: blog posts, video recordings and sample projects. Think of him as someone to reach when you find some technical area uncovered by official documentation or existing material.

The new Alfresco Technical Community Manager will be helping developers to success in their usual operations. Think of him as someone you can get when having technical issues with the product.

All of us will be participating in the activities that are having place regularly in Alfresco Community:

* Announcements and technical details related to Community Releases and new features
* Monthly Tech Talk Live sessions, for developers by developers
* Hack-a-thon days
* Technical blog posts
* Addons catalog
* Community chatting via Discord channel (request your invitation to access)

Alongside, we are open to your ideas. Contact with any of us if you want to present your project on a Tech Talk Live, if you are planning to organize a local Alfresco Meetup or if you need assistance in some other Community happening.

We are really looking forward to enhancing the commitment and contribution that Alfresco makes to the Open Source Community.

Come and join us on this exiting journey!

About the Author
Angel Borroy is Hyland Developer Evangelist. Over the last 15 years, he has been working as a software architect on Java, BPM, document management and electronic signatures. He has been working with Alfresco during the last years to customize several implementations in large organizations and to provide add-ons to the Community based on Record Management and Electronic Signature. He writes (sometimes) on his personal blog http://angelborroy.wordpress.com. He is (proud) member of the Order of the Bee.