I'd like to find all files from specific directory using python.
I've checked Alfresco Core API, first I found my desired folder with /queries/nodes, then I tried to check it's contents with /nodes/{nodeId}/children. But it returns all stored folders in that directory.
Any alternatives to :
for root, dirs, files in os.walk("/"): for d in dirs: if specific_folder in d: for f in files:
Not sure to understand your requirement, but you may try using CMIS protocol:
cmislib is unauthorized. I can only use Alfresco core api or search api.
I want just to download all files from specific folders.
For search API use query with path and type, for example:
(PATH:'/app:company_home/st:sites/cm:yoursite/cm:documentLibrary//*') AND (+TYPE:'cm:content') AND (<your query for documents>)
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