3.2 REST API Group Service

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3.2 REST API Group Service

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The official documentation is at: http://docs.alfresco.com

Design Document

Group Service


Note: All returned data will be contained in the standard JSON return structure:

   'data' : <resulting JSON data structure goes here>


A group contains the following:

  • shortName - The short name of the group.  This attribute is mandatory and is the unique identifier for the group.
  • fullName - The full name of the group.  Calculated on the server from the short name.
  • displayName - The groups display name.  read/write
  • userCount - The number of users that are contained within the group.  read Only
  • groupCount - The number of groups that are contained within the group. read Only
  • isRootGroup - Indicates whether the group is a root group or not. read Only
  • authorityType - The authority type.  Always set to 'Group' for a group.  Mandatory.
  • url - Url to the group resource.

For future enhancements (More thought required here)

  • isAdminAuthority - Indicates whether this group has admin authority.
  • isInternalAuthority - Indicates whether this group is for internal use only.

JSON example:

   'shortName' : 'myGroup',
   'fullName' : 'GROUP_myGroup',
   'displayName' : 'My Group',
   'userCount' : 2,
   'groupCount' : 3,
   'isRootGroup' : true,
   'authorityType' : 'Group',
   'url' : '/api/groups/myGroup'  


Root Groups Collection

The resource to represent the collection all root groups.


List all the root groups:

GET /api/rootgroups

Create a root group(s):

POST /api/rootgroups
   => Groups[]

Groups Collection

Resource to represent the collection of all groups.

Search groups by short name.

If a shortNameFilter value is provided only groups that contain the string in their short names will be returned.

Mrogers 11:05, 30 March 2009 (BST) should we allow regex here?

GET /api/groups


Resource to represent a group.


Get the details of a group:

GET /api/groups/{shortName}

Update the details of a group:

  • displayName can be changed.

PUT /api/groups/{shortName}
   => Group

Delete a group and all it's dependants:

DELETE /api/groups/{shortName}

Child Authorities

Resource to represent the child users/groups of a group.


Get a list of the child authorities of a group.  This contains both people and groups.  The authority type parameter can be used to only return authorities of the given type.

GET /api/groups/{shortName}/children

Adds group(s) and user(s) as children of a group.  If the provided group does not exist it is created.

POST /api/groups/{shortName}/children
   => (Group|Person)[]

Child Authority

Resource to represent a child user/group of a group.


Removes a person or group from a group.  The id is either the a user id or a group short name.

DELETE /api/groups/{shortName}/children/{id}

Parent Authorities

Resource to represent the parent groups of this group.


Get a list of the parent groups of this parent.

GET /api/groups/{shortName}/parents?level='ALL'

Modifications Required to Person Service



Add the following values to the Person data:

  • authorityType - Indicates the authority type.  Always set to 'User' for a person. Mandatory.
  • isAdminAuthority - Indicates whether this user has admin authority.
  • isInternalAuthority - Indicates whether this user is for internal use only.