Alfresco Community Edition 201606 EA Release Notes

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Alfresco Community Edition 201606 EA Release Notes

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Alfresco Community Edition 201606 EA Release


These release notes provide information for the 201606 Early Access release of Alfresco Community Edition.

Early access releases are intended for interested parties to test new features, provide feedback, and collaborate on development. This release is not meant to replace the previous Generally Available release.

Care should be taken when upgrading from any previous version of Alfresco Community Edition. Backup your Alfresco alf_data and database before upgrading, and read the documentation.




Download this release from the 201606-EA File List.

For download and installation instructions, refer to the Download and Install Alfresco page.

The Alfresco supplied installers will install all you need to run Alfresco on your machine; which includes JDK, Tomcat, SOLR, and LibreOffice. It also includes interfaces and extensions such as Share, the Google Docs integration, and the AOS module



  • JVM memory defaults to half system memory, minimum of 2GB.
  • Latest OS patches are always recommended.
  • The repository must be switched from jBPM to Activiti before upgrading to 5.1 from previous releases (see 'Feature Removals', below).

Release Details


Goals for this Release


After completing the development work for Alfresco One Enterprise Edition 5.1, we started new development for the 5.2 Alfresco Platform. The focus of this effort is a new set of REST APIs. These new APIs are experimental and likely to change, so they require us to label this release as an Early Access build. We are looking forward to feedback on how the APIs are structured and how they function.

This release also contains bug fixes from the Alfresco One Enterprise 5.1.1 service pack. Because the Alfresco Share build only contains bug fixes, it can probably be deployed on top of the previous Generally Available release in order to benefit from those fixes without interfering with future upgrades. We believe this will work, but have not exhaustively tested a configuration of 201605 GA with the Share 5.1.g from this release.

Please report issues with this release in the issue tracker. You can collaborate on this release in the Alfresco forums. Other feedback can be provided by emailing

We plan to continue with monthly EA release while we move toward our next major release of Alfresco One. It is currently undecided whether that release will be called Alfresco One 5.2, or whether we will give it a different name.


Notable New Features


The page dedicated to Alfresco Community Edition 5.2 lists all the features in the 5.2 line of Alfresco releases.






New and updated endpoints include:


  • /nodes (files, folders, custom nodes, renditions, peer & child associations, ...)
  • /deleted-nodes (trashcan)
  • /shared-links (publicly shared links)
  • /queries (live search for nodes)
  • /sites (create & delete site, as well as existing list sites)
  • /tickets (login & logout)
New REST API Explorer




You can play with a temporary deployment of the new API Explorer here:


Angular 2 Components


The new REST APIs in this release are necessary to support interaction with the new Angular 2 components. Learn more about the Angular 2 components and the new framework for custom applications here:


Feature Removals


No features have been removed in this release.




  • Alfresco Platform 5.2.a (SCM tag)
  • Solr 4.10.3 with Alfresco patches for 5.2.a
  • Alfresco Share 5.1.g (SCM tag)
  • Alfresco File Transfer Receiver 5.2.a
  • Alfresco Web Quick Start and Web Editor 5.1.g
  • Google Docs 3.0.3 (SCM tag)
  • AOS Module 1.1
  • Aikau 1.0.67 (SCM tag)
  • Records Management 2.4.b: The source mirror is currently broken, will be fixed soon.
  • Alfresco SDK 2.2.0

3rd Party Components:


  • Java 1.8.0_65
  • Tomcat 7.0.59
  • LibreOffice 4.4.5
  • PostgreSQL 9.4.4
  • ImageMagick

Issues Addressed


This release contains all bug fixes since the Community Edition 5.0.d release.

The issues addressed specifically in this release are available in JIRA projects for the components of this release. Please look at the previous 5.1 releases to get a complete list of issues addressed since the previous GA release (5.0.d). Note that JIRA behaves inconsistently with these queries when you are not logged in.


  • ALF: All fixes to Alfresco requested by the open source community were copied to another project to get assigned to a team.
  • ACE: Improvements to Alfresco requested by product management.
  • MNT: Fixes to Alfresco requested by customers (many are private).
  • SHA: there were no changes in the Share project for this release, they were done in MNT.
  • REPO: Fixes to the Alfresco Repository
  • AKU: there were no changes to Akau for this release.
  • RM: Changes to Records Management.

Important fixes since the last GA release:


  • MNT-16259: Some installs need to change the 'admin' user password after upgrading. See SA-8.
  • MNT-15795: CAS authentication via the external auth subsystem no longer works. This issue contains a patch.
  • ALF-21607: Problems with SSO via Kerberos. This issue contains a patch to a number of related issues.

Prerequisites for manual install


  • DB: MySQL 5.6 or PostgreSQL 9.4.4
  • App Server: Tomcat 7
  • Java Version: JDK 8
  • LibreOffice 4.4

Known Issues


  • The source code for Records Management is being moved from Subversion to Git, and we don't currently have a public mirror. This will be resolved soon.
  • SDK 2.2.0 needs a modification to work with Platform 5.2.a and Share 5.1.g. An example of the needed modifications are in this GitHub project and will be included in this section of the documentation.

Please refer to the Alfresco issue tracker for other known issues in this release.

Release Notes
Community Edition
Early Access Releases